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Nothing is More true than Death


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In the darkness I lurk...

Patient and still.

You creep closer, unaware of my handiwork.

One more step and I close in for the kill.


Trap is sprung, body is stuck.

You move around violently in vain.

Fangs protrude, venom swells, you're out of luck.

Carcass dried, shrink back to my domain.


Another sees, another stuck.

Knowing what is to come.

Horror enfolds, frightened and mortified, terror-struck.

Spared for the moment, while I revel to the heart-beat drum.


I shall feast on your death.

And enjoy the moment of your knowing,

Up till your last breath.

When your blood is flowing.



Kudos if you like it.

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Very good!


Causes me to think more of violent and-or painful death than just any death. Not so much dying peacefully in bed.


I have already given you kudos and so, alas, can not give you more.

Edited by Maharg67
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The Servant of the Night...


I am the servant of the blade, the dedicator of the night,

The assassin in your woods searching for the target eluded.

I strike without notice, pity, or despair,

I care not for the soul that pulsates from within; all are useless to me.


Your face is familiar, yet unweilding to my motives,

No regret shall be engraved here.

But to this I will say to life everlasting,

That I am the harbinger of your fate, your blood is my link.


To become one with the fires of thy master, I serve the embers,

Your wish to become liberated is a mere game in my eyes.

I am the assassin that will come in your darkest hour,

When all but your soul can hope for escape; not even that is permitted.


The Servant of the Night - KeanuMoreira 9/2/10


Moving poem BTW. :thumbsup:

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I'm confused. I like the poem, but wasn't that better for a new topic? I hardly understand how it's a response >_<


It's not really a response, it's more like a contributation, it's how some poets here in the garden communicate.

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Did a moderator change the title/subtitle? Because that's not what I had up there.. I put up "No one is more honest than he who feeds on it." I have no idea how... or why... it was changed to something that is a fragment, not even a sentence.


Also, I find responding to original poetry with more poetry to be rather daft. Not trying to insult or offend, but when doing so you potentially lose all the audience for that piece of art. Practically not really sharing it with everyone. I'm not trying to say that for your good, but for everyone else's. Art is meant to be shown to everyone. Something beautiful in any form should not be kept under a blanket of someone else's facade or countenance, but free to its true potential. If I somehow write the most masterful work of art and post it only under something that is absolutely unrelated and the title plus the work itself has horrible grammar errors that it hurts the eyes of anyone who reads it, chances are no one will see my masterpiece. No one will read the beautiful work of art.


But that's just my perspective on the issue. I guess it could be summarized as this:

"If you are going to make it public, it's selfish to hide it."

Not that I'm calling you selfish, this is just an overly summarized version of what I'm trying to convey, but, if you've read any posts lately of mine, the proper words elude me as my mind has escaped to lethargy.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, don't go in the closet!!!!


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Did a moderator change the title/subtitle? Because that's not what I had up there.. I put up "No one is more honest than he who feeds on it." I have no idea how... or why... it was changed to something that is a fragment, not even a sentence.


Also, I find responding to original poetry with more poetry to be rather daft. Not trying to insult or offend, but when doing so you potentially lose all the audience for that piece of art. Practically not really sharing it with everyone. I'm not trying to say that for your good, but for everyone else's. Art is meant to be shown to everyone. Something beautiful in any form should not be kept under a blanket of someone else's facade or countenance, but free to its true potential. If I somehow write the most masterful work of art and post it only under something that is absolutely unrelated and the title plus the work itself has horrible grammar errors that it hurts the eyes of anyone who reads it, chances are no one will see my masterpiece. No one will read the beautiful work of art.


But that's just my perspective on the issue. I guess it could be summarized as this:

"If you are going to make it public, it's selfish to hide it."

Not that I'm calling you selfish, this is just an overly summarized version of what I'm trying to convey, but, if you've read any posts lately of mine, the proper words elude me as my mind has escaped to lethargy.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, don't go in the closet!!!!



Well, I didn't mean to offend anyone, and I certainly didn't post it for selfish reasons. It's to my understanding that the garden is a place where we can express ourselves freely, to let other artists know how we think and feel no matter where it may be posted. I did not attempt to take away from your work, simply because I already have popular works of my own and have no right to do so. If it really bothers you that much then let's just leave it at that; I can already see where this train wreck is headed.

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