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First hacking now viruses? That's just a step too far.


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I must be fairly lucky then. My experiences with MMOs and multiplayer games haven't really been all that bad. I've actually seen the opposite of what is mostly been said here. Most of the people I run into are very mature and I only run into the occasional childish person. Perhaps it's the games I choose to play online?
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I've played MMO games myself where on average you'd run into 2-3 irritating brats... putting it mildly... pkers who are soo determined to hunt you down and slaughter you... PERIOD. that your entire game time is spent running and hiding... many of them use hacks to ensure you never get a fair chance to fight back... last game I played that happened.... tho the "Adult" player numbers are quite high fortunately.....he suddenly found himself surrounded by a half dozen Veteran players who basically tore him a new virtual kidney....some games tolerate anything.. other games have mature players who don't tolerate that sort of stuff at all.. sometimes it IS what game you play.
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I feel for you man. But this is exactly why I don't intend to play multiplayer - especially MW2 - online for PC. I heard it is still the great game we know, but the online community is plagued with tons of hackers, aimbot users, etc. But even then, the console version isn't too much better. Lots of cheaters there too.


How sad that the community is what is making MW2 bad.

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That's unsupervised children for you =/

It's hilarious though.

That parents buy children games that are 18 when their kid is like 10.

Sure enough if the child was mature when he or she is about 16. I wouldn't mind it.

Thats what my parents did.


But I don't understand the hypocrites who complain about their child doing something when they themselves buy things that the child shouldn't have...



I'll be fair it's not always kids that ruin it though.

It's the lazy people as well using bots and hacks.

It's the selfish people who care more for their ego (OMFGZ I GOTZ 15000 kilz and 2 deths. Init!)


But most of the time it is kids... With damn microphones...

I won't even start with those kids...



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Yeah. I mute every game I play online now. I mute in Halo, Call of Duty, Battefield BC2, Super Street Fighter IV, Blazblue all the time. My brother is one those underage people online (13), but he feels the same way I do and is pretty damn good at the game; as I mentioned in the BC2 VS MW2 topic, he puts a lot of people in their places with his skills. He played in a tournament that was hosted by Machinima.com. It just so happened a few Hawaii kids screwing around got into a huge tournament that came with a free HD video capture card.


I do find videos on Youtube of the "F@G" as they call themselves or the "Federation of ******* Gamers" pretty funny when it comes to little kids online. They are somewhat questionable in their actions though.


People should switch over the fighting games for a better community. I'm biased and they aren't pick up and play games, but the community appears to be generally kind and I get plenty of "good games" after matches. And plenty rematches for fun too. Occasionally one might receive trash from the other player, but in the end (between me and my opponent,) we understand each other. And then it ends with a friend request.


But man. While multiplayer has given me some of the best experiences ever in a video game, it also has given the worst.


[EDIT] Ugh, forgive my ignorance on the rules of language. I merely assumed because there are M rated games on here, but 'tis true that anyone can read these forums. I'll be sure to be aware next time.

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It's the selfish people who care more for their ego (OMFGZ I GOTZ 15000 kilz and 2 deths. Init!)


These guys suck.


I used to play League Of Legends, which is essentially a stand-alone DOTA. I would often play a class that was good for healing and support, but not much else, which meant I had practically no kills (and, quite often, very few deaths). Invariably, someone would tell me I sucked because I had such a low kill count. I'd usually tell them to look at my class. Sometimes, if I was lucky, there'd be at least one clueful person who would also point this out. Quite often, it was my healing which allowed us to win. Funny that.

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"questionable actions"? We're all guilty of that.


I smack down HARD anyone who hacks or cheats-let alone who is abusive towards me. This has earned me something of a reputation as a "pack alpha" among elites and a "heartless monster" among the rest of the trash.


As far as Im concern it's evolve or die. I evolve. When the going gets tough, the tough pull out a .44 and blow the head off the guy that caused the sudden toughening of the going.


I have however also often been accused of hacking myself. I favour the .44 in MW2. Most people see that as just being "a pistol". They think that all pistols are absolutely weak and couldnt posibly out-DPS them. Wrong. My .44 does more damage per hit than the UMP-45 almost everyone uses right now. It also has a great rate of fire and accuracy.


So when I sneak up behind, fire off a few FMJ and take that player down before they even know Im there, they usualy go bezerk. My favorite gun combo is my .44 revolver with FMJ, and my Chetec Intervention supressed sniper rifle. This is a very effective combo, the firebreathing .44 cuts down pretty much anything and shoots through walls, but is accurate enough I can land headshots. The Inty is the ideal weapon for me-lethaly powerful, and reliably accurate. I can score a headshot nine times out of ten with it across the map-this from a level 52 makes most people I've met go insane with kidrage.

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Well where's the fun in sitting half way across the map safe from a guy who can barely shoot 10M infront of him due to the lack of range on his weapon?

That is uncool.

One hit kills are also uncool.

You deserve kidrage ¬_¬


Only joking. Yeah I think it's uncool but nobody deserves kidrage, besides the kids that do it =P

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"questionable actions"? We're all guilty of that.



Oh yeah, definitely. But these guys do things such as causing another person to cancel his/her credit card account, sexually harassing others and posing as Bungie Studios. I know it is fun to joke around at times, but I think that takes it too far.


About MW2. Pistols are awesome, and the .44 has basically replaced the Desert Eagle from CoD4. I have never heard someone that seriously uses suppressed sniper for real, especally the Intervention. (Barrett and Intervention have same bullet damage for an odd reason.) Not that it is a problem though. And you aren't alone either; both me and my bro have gotten accused of being hackers. I heard a good way to make people mad is to go into hardcore with shotgun attachments...heard it can insta-kill from super long range.

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