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I require some help concerning steel daggers


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I scoured the internet for a fix for a bug that I am having. Saw several threads with the same problem and no solution. I need to ask for help in this as well cause it's driving me mad.


Basically in my skyrim game all Town/City guards carry only steel daggers with them and only use said daggers in combat, even though when I pickpocket them I can see they have various items from other mods added to their inventories. This so really annoying, so I require to somehow remove the steel daggers from city hold guard level lists or any other solution that would have them prioritize other weaponry(which is stronger in their inventory) over those daggers. Looks pretty stupid them wielding a dagger along with a shield in game.



Any tutorial or step by step instructions out there on how to remove steel daggers from all hold guards in-game ?

Any kind of suggestions would help. Note that I am not any good at editing files in Tes5edit. I get lost in there easily and don't want to ruin anything. Never used CK.


Here's my mod list.




Note that I have since cleaned the mods in question that are shown as having dirty edits. I just haven't restarted the reordering of mods and copied the last report.

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Ok first use LOOT to sort your load order. Video here:

Then watch this video and use TES5EDIT as he prescribes:

If that does not work you might wanna try making a bashed leveled list patch. Theres a video on youtube by the same guy on how to do that too I think.
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First...looking at your load order i can see...


That you have used LOOT...But what version?

You do have the current versions of the UNofficial patches, and the main files have been cleaned.

You do have a bashed patch, ..but when you built it, did you make sure "leveled lists" was ticked, so it was included in the patch.?


Since you use a bashed patch, is this necessary? >>DynamicLoot_WarmongerArmoryLL.esp



I would really think twice before i put this mod in MY game..


CRC: 41B8B722
Version: 2.3
•Warning: This file contains 50 deleted NavMesh record(s) that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.
•Warning: Contains 3700 ITM records and 192 UDR records. Clean with TES5Edit.


You have more mods to clean...lol


I will say this...I see a lot of "LL" stuff in your load order. I do not have one "LL" mod in a 200+ load order, i have only a few (weapon/armor) mods...IA an IW , WAFR and the like , and with a bashed patch i see most everyone attacks me with varied weapons and its in their inventory, granted i haven't dealt with guards much, i avoid them , they kill fast...lol

Edited by camaro_69_327
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Hey guys. Yes I did use LOOT to sort the order, I believe it's the newest version. I use a lot of leveled listed mods, I added some "relev" tags myself, for example on "Long lost Longswords" mod it adds those two handed swords to leveled lists, but there's no tag, so I added it.


I disabled most of the armour/weapon mods that change leveld lists excpet the essential(immersive weapons/armours) and the problem still persists.

I used riverhelm mod before, it didn't produce this problem on my previous playthroughs. I will disable it though, as it might be a culprit for my CTD's(but that's another problem)


It's just for dynamic loot DynamicLoot_WarmongerArmoryLL.esp for leveld list, so that warmonger armory things would show up in game other than crafting.

All of those mods that still show are cleaned, I just simply didn't run LOOT again because I didn't want it to reorder my mods to its defautl order(I cahnged a few mod positions)

Those mods are cleaned I assure you :)


The problem though is only the guards. Everyone, bandits, vampires, forsworn etc has varying weaponry all sorts to choose from. But those guards keep only showing off their crude steel daggers for some reason, even though they may have katanas/ broadwords/ longswords in their inventory (when pickpocketed).


I'm thinking I may need to cut down on some of the mods which add new castles and the like in my mod list as I am having problems when configuring the game as well, you know the very start when I am in the prison cell (Live another life) I get all these MCM menu detections. When I try to configure script heavy mods such as Frostfall I occasionally get CTD's. My initial starting save is already 10 mb's.


The MergedPlugins1 and 2 are merged non scripted companion mods as well as merged armor and weapon mods which do not alter levelded lists. Just a heads up if anyone's wondering.


I know my whole mod list and merges seem to look like a complete mess, and I am starting to feel like it is. Any mods in particular you feel that I should remove? Apart from Riverhelm(which works great by the way, but I can remove it as well).


Thanks for the help guys.

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Hey man, I think I found a fix. I was having the same issue in my game and I found a mod that handles a bunch of weapon bug fixes. I also updated all my unofficial patches to the latest version 2.0.8. The mod I found is called Weapon and Armor Fixes Remade on the nexus. I did all this at once so I'm not sure which of the changes fixed it, but the point is that it appears to be fixed. I am only in Whiterun, and so far the guards only have imperial swords and iron axes, none of the immersive weapons mod stuff, but I'm also using Skyre so that could be affecting it as well. Even so, much better than just daggers right? Let me know if this works for you and I keep will keep you updated on my progress with the other holds as well. Good luck and happy gaming.

Edited by kashman31591
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