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Samus Aran's Varia Suit or Fusion Suit


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depending on the actual model in question and it's particular license.

you could be:

a: committing copyright infringement by making unauthorized copies of those game meshes.

b: breaking bethesda's eula


If the model is fan made, and not from a actual game, ie it is from a mod, and you obtain permission. then everyone is usually happy.

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  • 1 month later...
Metroid Source has an entirely custom made samus aran model ( That is , NO RIPPED CONTENT) , and Since I am on the development team I'd be able to get it for you. I'm not eniterly sure they'd be too happy though. It's rigged for the source engine so I'm completely sure you'd need to do some altering of it before you can use it for FO3
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  • 4 months later...
The legality of the issue is that the corporation that has made the models owns them and posting them in a separate work could be challenged on the grounds of copy right infringement. But it's not like it's that hard to make a Power Suit, you could just take the time to copy the model but give it obvious tweaks(not just reduced size to fit the ingame skeleton).
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  • 2 years later...

I'm not sure anyone will look at this but just in case, If you're looking for Metroid Power Armor/Suits for Fallout New Vegas, I've uploaded a quick guide to youtube on how to achieve it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLjk5Rc3SsA


For obvious reasons, the suit isn't available on the Nexus or Steam Workshop but I have provided a download link for the textures/meshes for 3 different suits (gravity, varia, phazon) in the video desciption.


It's a simple and quick matter of replacing a current mod called power suit system's textures and meshes with that of Samus Aran's suit.

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