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getting stupider or just more obvious? this year's bad games.


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Yes because £40 ($60ish) is worth a 3 hour campaign and a multiplayer where you get rewards for everything, even playing badly...


That's like throwing your wallet to a drug addict and getting a free house, car and job for sitting on your bum doing nothing.


Sorry but it was fun for those 3 hours yes and those one games in about 20 where the players are actually good in multiplayer but other than that.

It was terrible.

But I admit, it wasn't a failure of 2010.


It was the failure of 2009 =P

So I guess all those comments about it were pointless =P



Yeah I've seen reviews and gameplay videos of that and it actually looked pretty bad too.

I am a HUGE fan of the first Fable. It was perfect. But this one just seemed lacking.

But as I never actually played it I guess I'll never know.

Oh sorry, I lied. I played it once for about 5 seconds before putting the controller down.

I don't do 360's =P

Control scheme doesn't make sense.

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Yes because £40 ($60ish) is worth a 3 hour campaign and a multiplayer where you get rewards for everything, even playing badly...


That's like throwing your wallet to a drug addict and getting a free house, car and job for sitting on your bum doing nothing.


Sorry but it was fun for those 3 hours yes and those one games in about 20 where the players are actually good in multiplayer but other than that.

It was terrible.

But I admit, it wasn't a failure of 2010.


It was the failure of 2009 =P

So I guess all those comments about it were pointless =P


Although it sounds like you don't like MW2 and there is point in trying to convince you otherwise, it sounds a lot more like you had a bad experience instead of having a bad game. And three hours is actually pretty long for a shooter single player.


But yep, it was released in 2009. Didn't seem like that long ago.

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For me another modern "epic failure" as some would put it, is Mass Effect.


This game is incredibly popular. I dont give a damn. It just proves that Im not like the people that like it. if you like it, simply dont read this post. Nobody forces you to, and you wont change my opinion or silence it, so dont bother trying.


Mass Effect for me is the reason I like many older games and dislike many newer ones. I think as much with my heart as my head. This makes me very intuitive, and gives me enormous natural cunning, but like a wolf beside a dog, I'm less suited for puzzles and even less for the constant constant constant talking of Mass Effect.


After all, a human being only ever usualy uses half of their brain, so why not augment that with a bit of raw emotion? It's for that reason I hate Mass Effect.


Its bland. Soul crushingly, mind numbingly, utterly, totaly, obcenely bland. The only part of the game that ISNT bland is the environment art. And that's so drowned by the pathetic voice acting and abysmal combat that it made no diference.


Im a warrior. In games, I fight. When I am prevented from fighting by my own character's cowardice, I get angry. "Shepperd" may be one of the most popular characters in gaming, but I demand more. For some, they were pleased by the very little this offers.


But usualy the arguments in favour of I hear are things like quote "but you get your own personal ship!" EVE online would give you more "personal ship" than you could ever know what to do with. "but you can band together and save the galaxy from teh REAPERS!" I've done that so many times I dont think it's worth saving. "but it's got amazing scifi tech" Boy, I WRITE science fiction, I've seen better science fiction equipment in the middle ages.


It wasnt one single factor, it was a comination of them. The latex bondage outfits instead of armour. The utterly utterly personality-devoid, bland, emotionless characters. The fact that it was a one trick technological pony, once you'd seen a mass effect field, you'd seen everything. And the fact that only the main story missions actualy took places on planets. Everywhere else looked like a barren contruction site.


Usless doesnt even begin to describe it. The soldier role is hopelessly broken. it's just aim assault rifle, fire long burst, take cover, repeat. Over and over a f***ing gain. The dialogue lacked all emotion. I just wanted to be able to express myself, but instead shepperd just mumbles mindlessly like a shambling old man. The AI are even worse. Mindless retarded drones, disastrously incompetant. You cant empathise with something as bioware intended if it doesnt act human. I often saw AI comerade leaping off cliffs to try and reach the monotonous Geths, saw them hopelessly confused by doors, saw them unable to even switch weapons without my help.


And it's short, Mercifully short. Not much longer than the equally pathetic ODST and a lot less entertaining.

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Man, Vindekarr, you sure seem like a hard man to please. On lots of other forums, I bet posters would immediately say "troll." But I do see what you mean in all of your Mass Effect dislike, and I do understand your issue with Sheppard and and his (or her) cowardice. I've played this game for a bit myself, and although I watched hours worth of gameplay, I've never really been compelled to play more or complete it. After my brother played it, I said I wasn't really interested and got it sold back.


I actually want to hear what you've got against ODST. I really enjoyed the campaign actually, and I'd say due to the soundtrack.

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Well, I can't honestly say I'm all against the more 'shallow' games out there. We're currently having the luxury of a cultural phenomenom with enough space for everyone. There's a worldwide audience only a decent webserver away, and plenty of new ideas and tools available for the layman as well as the professional. Of course, the cultural impact of gaming follows the natural laws, and it's much easier to find big-name producers for a bland yet marketable game than taking a gamble and work some depth into it. But I still genuinly believe there's room for everyone for the time being. Games all across the mental stimulation chart can co-exist. Unfortunately, of course, the unchallenging, safe prolefeed will have the best exposure and funding, but that's in no way unique to gaming. It's the thesis and antithesis in effect, as with anything. I doubt there would be intelligent games out there if there weren't any stupid ones.


Oh, and I never let go of an opportunity to slap ol' MW2 across the jaw (again). I don't have that huge a library of games, actually. Most games I love were ones I stumbled into after their release, surprised me and made me impressed enough to buy them. I was never really interested in Fallout 3, for example, until I checked out some gameplay footage almost half a year after it's release. Ten minutes later, I was enraptured. Less than 24 hours later, I owned a copy. Been hocked ever since.

My point is, I usually never gather along with the hype. Modern Warfare 2 just felt like an inevitable cash-in to me. I later got it as a christmas gift, which was great, since I would never have bought it myself, and thus got to experience it anyway. Which was just as good.

I've just got one complaint, one, that overshadows anything else, and that's the insipid single player campaign. It's one of the most stupid, forced and generally tasteless dross I've ever subjected myself to. Okay, I promised (Well, technically, my cat promised) not to get offended when I started the game, but... Jesus Christ, the plot is just braincell-numbingly stupid! Evil Russians (And communists! Aaaaahh!) and other non-westerners are up to no good, and G.I. Joe (and their British mates) hops in to save democracy yet again! Yes, it does sound elitist on my part, but not only is it insipid, it's poorly executed as well.

The airport-scene (which I won't bother to spoilguard, I'm rather sure everyone bellow the age of 30 know what I mean) in particular is rather grating. Apparently, it's A-OK to gun down civilians, on condition you are doing it for the west, but the Russians experimenting the same thing is a hideous warcrime. Reminds me of why I won't eat bananas...

My point is, the game just feels like utter prolefeed. Let's have a scene with the entrenched White House! Let's have some atomic bombs! How do we make sure everyone gets who the baddies are? Throw in some snow mobile chases while you're at it! I respect the restraint they showed when they choose not to add an Iwo-Jima-esque flagraising event.

My friend was alot more blunt yet fair in his description of the game. The phrase he used to describe it can't be wrought by civilized pixels, but I can reveal that it involves Uncle Sam, self-stimulus and old cloth. It's a very blunt (and possibly rather offending) way to put it, but I can't with good concience say that he's wrong... :blush:


But then again, I doubt this game was made with my demography in mind. And why should it? This is right up the alley for some folks, and I can't fault them for it. There's other games out there that suit me better. Games for me, games for them and everyone in between.

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Yes. We are,


"you may not like what I say, but I am willing to defend to the death the correctness of the truth in my words"-Vindekarr, a man of many roles, none of them popular or anything less than totaly controversial.


You have probably read the article in full, If you have not and can offer a constructive opinion, do so, if you simply read half of it and want to yell "SHEPERD IS TEH GREATUST" in my face, do not watse your keystrokes. :down:


I have seen many great games this year. Transformers: War For Cybertron was almost painfully nostalgic, it's only real flaw being somewhat simple shooter dynamics, but otherwise deeply enjoyable online and off, and one of the finest additions to the Transformers franchise since G-1: HD edition.


Hawx 2 was another example, a massive win on shear gameplay fun, it oozes quality and awesome, and while the plot is more bland even than Mass Effect's, it's covered by so much funfactor that one can not complain. After all, I bet you cant take out a full KA-50 formation with a single 105mm BOFORS round eh? let alone two!


But alas Bioware has again failed to impress me. I recently tired Mass Effect two and was even more deeply disapointed-to the point of being outright offended. This game is a tawdry cash in on the fanboyism the first game created.


For me, Mass Effect is the justine bieber of gaming. A lot of people love it and would die for it, a lot of people loath it and would die to kill it, but are drowned out by acclimation and appluase.


Not to offend you Neko but I honestly hate Mass Effect. It failed my expectations on so many levels, the sequal is just a cash in by a cynical company wanting to drain more money. They KNOW you're going to buy it anyway, so they dont care about innovation or doing new things, they just need to make it look about 30% more sparkly than the first and they KNOW they'll suck you and millions of others right on in.


When Mass Effect three comes around, you'll all jump up and buy that too. Well good for you. If you're off playing that then that's a bunch of people I dont have to deal with in proper games. Love it or hate it, I dont honestly care. I hate it, and for me, that's what matters.


Love or hate me? that's your choice too, because at the end of the day I'm not here to tell people what they like, I'm here to chat and debate, your personal feelings on my opinions are meaningless. But in all of this, read the real point of respect: opposition makes ideas stronger, take thta gift while I'm sunny mooded enough to offer it. :verymad:

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I completely agree.

Even the Justin Bieber part, that was funny =P

It was a terrible game, simple plot. Completely bland.


I can see the entertainment value in it and what would be fun for people who are easily amused.

But for me that margin is way below me.


But like you pointed out, the game developers are only interested in the money aspect, not the art of gaming.

If it makes them money, they will make it.

Until the profits drop

Then they move on to something else and do it with that game.


Activision and guitar hero for example... That company is literally driving that game INTO the ground.

They even admitted it in a statement.

And STILL people will buy them.

I personally stopped because I realised their game.

Unless they make one for a band I like I'm not buying one for a few good songs and the rest being songs no one likes but there just to "fill" it up.

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"SHEPERD IS TEH GREATUST." I loled...can just hear someone saying that. I never really found Shep to be an outstanding character, really.


And nice analogy with Bieber. :P After reading a bunch of posts around these forums Vindekarr, it is like you live to hate the world. Haha.


KDStudios: Unfortunately, that is true. You know, the whole the money thing. In many cases you're right, and it does stink.

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have to agree with you with AVP,the game tottaly a failure and waste of money ,the only campaign that i finish is the human, as for the preadator and xeno.. well let's just say i don't have interest finishing it.


and for the torchlight i have to remind you that the concept of this game was made in 90's, blizzard have to chose for Diablo or torchlight.that's why the gameplay feels simmilar .i don't know about you but for me its a fun game to play.a must have for Diablo fans out there.

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