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Alien- The Directors Cut


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I went to see the movie Underworld(A truely kickass movie by the way), and I saw a preview for Alien - Director's Cut, to be released in theaters this Halloween, I dunno about y'all but being a die hard Aliens fan I've got to see this directors cut... It's really the only sci-fi series that can scare me. Perhaps because I've read all the books. (Well most all, still searching for a few.)
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I'm gonna go, hell yea to that, the alien series is superb (except for resurrection which i didn't really like that much). director's cut eh? do i dare hope for the director's cut of 1 and 2 on dvd with some specidal features? **pauses for a moment to contain excitement and resumes typing**


Well there's really no better classic sci fi thriller/horror film than alien. if you like to be scared out of your mind then go see em.

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