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modo for lots of ammo


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hello folks, haven't played Fallout3 for a couple of years now. Started it up again, and all the mods are in place - wonderful - but I felt I needed to start a new game. That has started OK, and I have my mini hide out and my two robot companions BUT, I no longer have huge amounts of ammo. I have looked in my mods list and there is nothing there about limitless ammo.


The other problem is that I cannot quite remember how to install new mods using FOMM.

Can you help an old foggy brain on either of these subjects please??


ps the title should read 'mod for lots of ammo', of course

Edited by pawzseven
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Well, about how to install mods with FOMM, maybe this will help:




About the limitless ammo, the only mods I use about ammunition are Calibr and exCalibr, they add new types of ammunition, here the links with you want:


Calibr: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/3447/

exCalibr: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/11684/

Edited by ChowChowBranco
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thanks ChowChow - I have Calibr in my mods list, did not realise what it was for. possibly the limitless ammo applies to particular weapons - and in a new game I just have a .32 pistol to start with just a few bullets - if I was to pick up a Sten or some other bigger weapon, perhaps the ammo would show in much larger quantities...


The how to install mods link I shall look at ( thankyou) as what I am getting now when I click on FMM doesn't seem to match what I remember doing before. I think I used to have to click on File Manager option, and then browse to where the mod is on the hard drive, then put the contents into the right window, do something else, and then something else, and would see a list over to the left, then I would activate, or do the Archive Validation thing,is it? and I would see the mod appear in the list to the right, confirming it was active... those windows and tasks do not seem to be there now, so I will take a look at the link to refresh my mind - thank you. :)


BTW, I take it you love Chowchows - we are G.S.D folk - but all dogs are lovely whatever their breed or mix :)

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Glad to help Pawzseven, it's good to see you back in Fallout 3.


About the Chow-chows, to be fair I never had one and I don't remember why I picked my nick (maybe because sounds fun to me), I really love and once I had a Border collie, she was my best friend in my childhood, but as you said, all dogs are lovely whatever their breed or mix.

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You can also go into the GECK, locate the weapon you want to change, right click on it and select Edit. In the screen that opens up find Ammo Use and change the 1 to a 0. Your weapon will then use no ammo (Same as having infinite ammo) . You must have at least one round of the ammo in your inventory to fire the weapon, but that one round will last you forever. You can edit as many weapons as you like


If you do the above and save the resulting .esm under a new name you've created a mod. Congratulations! You can enable it in the Data panel at game start.


If you're unfamiliar with the GECK there are numerous tutorials.

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Drop the text file from this into your game folder (not data folder), then in game open the console and type bat ammo you'll have more than you'll ever need.

Nicely done! I use a bat file to purge cell buffers. It never occurred to me to use one for anything else.

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Wait. You use a bat file to purge cell buffers? A bat file for a console command consisting of just 3 letters?

It also raises player speed to 1.5X normal which is handy for those long treks through the Wasteland. I'm running FOOK 2 so there are many more things to find out there.

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