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How's the Weather


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Phew! :ohmy: It was 78 degrees Fahrenheit when I looked at the old mercury thermometer in the shade at 8:30 AM.


Montana's experienced a new record breaking heat spell, yesterday July 28. :rolleyes:


I am sitting on the land level floor and letting myself adjust for another adventure to the outdoors. Got my Ultra sweatproof spf 30 UVA Sport Sunblock lotion just in case. 8)


I am East of the Divide in Montana if anyone wants to look at one of the on line Weather sites and see what the temperature is here later.


Any body been cooking their food on the concrete, tarmac, or asphalt yet? :rolleyes: Some years ago people proved how hot it was by frying chicken eggs on the concrete walk outside their house in this dry :dry: heat.

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