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midas magic crashing?


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whenever i use the reactor thing to make the spells in the mod Midas Magic, it crashes my game soon as i cast the spell on the thing. if i use cheats to get all spells in game, and use one of the spells on a npc, it crashes my game also. anyone know how to fix?
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  • 2 years later...

Please don't bump ancient threads.


Also, if you have an issue with a mod, start by posting in that mod's discussion thread. And heck, just reading that thread might help, especially for a mod as popular as Midas Magic.

I've tried searching for hours can't find any info on what I should be doing. I did post on that thread but oblivion is such an old game I guess i was trying to maximize my chances. I'll pour through that thread some more though I want to play midas so bad.

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Looking through the most recent half dozen or so pages of the mod comments nets pretty well zero troubleshooting info. The only bright spot I saw was that the mod author Xilver was last active on the sites on Feb 9 of this year. Perhaps you'll get an answer on the mod comments (I wondered whether OBSE was a requirement as well, which is the info I went looking for).

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