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What if the Nine Divines are just deadra?


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I was thinking. If Nirn is actually just another realm who is the ruler? And I thought back to my Shivering Isles experience and remembered that everyone worshiped the ruler of that land which was Sheogorath. Shouldn't Nirn actually have a deadric prince? I think they is not just one but prince but all of the Eight Divines and Talos are like rulers of the Nirn.

What do you guys/girls think ?

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  • 3 months later...

More precisely, Dagon was the prince of Tamriel, not Nirn.

Nirn is a world made from the leftover remaining parts of several worlds which were destroyed. Tamriel is only the last piece of the world that Dagon ruled. ( Well, the Black marsh part is from another world, but it got lumped with the rest of Tamriel. )

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  • 3 weeks later...

To be honest, aren't Aedra just Deadra without a D. Aedra is what the Nine Divines are called.


And if we assume that the 'd' in deadra negates it, then the aedra are the complete opposite of the deadra. So they are related to eachother, but they are completely different.


Get it? No? Well, I am not good at explaining things, just look at the UESP wiki, they explain it better.

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If memory serves the Aedra were semi-divine beings durin the rule of Mehrunes Dagon but they seeked to end the destruction, chaos and strife brought on by the testy lil' Prince and exhiled him to his own planes of Oblivion and created the Amulet of Kings and the Dragonfires to seal the Prince out of Tamriel. That's the gist of it but look it up on the UESP to actually get the full story, but I feel like I read that in an in-game book, I think originially in Oblivion I belive it was a churchy book.
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  • 4 weeks later...

To be honest, aren't Aedra just Deadra without a D. Aedra is what the Nine Divines are called.


And if we assume that the 'd' in deadra negates it, then the aedra are the complete opposite of the deadra. So they are related to eachother, but they are completely different.


Get it? No? Well, I am not good at explaining things, just look at the UESP wiki, they explain it better.


Well, I was reading a book in Morrowind and found out that Aedra directly translates to "our ancestors" in I think Ayleid or Dwemer, and Daedra translates to "not our ancestors", so yeah...

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  • 7 months later...
The Aedra and Daedra are essentially two sides of a coin. The Aedra can create, but can also die, while the Daedra can not create (they can change), but they can not die. Under that assumption, the Aedra created the world and the Daedra were some of the inhabitants. The Daedra, being trouble makers, caused much conflict with the Aedra, soon the Aedra created a new world, Oblivion, and put the Daedra in there, since the Aedra could not kill the Daedra. So the Daedra are trying to reclaim Nirn, their old world. Most of this (except the first sentence) is not based on anything I have read, just a personal opinion that I feel fits. Partly because it is believed that Nirn is Mehrunes Dagon's old sphere, every Daedra living there would have considered it their world. The other Daedric Princes just came to accept their place in Oblivion.
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  • 2 months later...

The Aedra seem pretty much like Daedra to me. It's just that one group's popular at the moment.


EDIT: plus what that guy said above me.

Edited by Rennn
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  • 2 months later...
If I remember right, books in Morrowind stated that they believed there was little difference between Aedra and Daedra. Both the 9 Divines and Daedra are creatures that are true to their nature, playing a specific role in the cosmos. A certain Big Bad Evil Guy of the Oblivion game believes Lorkhan, the dead god who's corpse is the two moons orbiting Nirn, is the Daedra Lord of Nirn - the plane of Change. Accuracy on that claim is debated both in and out of the games.
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