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Help Me With Some Mods


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i have played oblivion fo a while now and for some reason (even though i install all reccomended and req mods) whenever i download a race or save mine never look as good as in the pictures, i may be having a blonde moment( or being a total quality snob but w.e :3)i always play at highest settings possible on 1920x1080 but my characters never look amazingly beutiful so basicly im asking you guys to give me links to mods i should download for me to make a char ill play (for more than 10 mins that is lol) i already have hgec but im starting a new install to make room for the awesoem mods you guys are gunna give me :P (i want cute/sexy/beutiful races-textures for those races and anythign else to make my chars look the best they can) thanks guys <3



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heres some hi rez body and face textures


and i suggest you to try the high imperial race (even the default face is acceptable )


also for the save games you can use the obmm save management tool to see what cosmetic mods were used (sorry the texture packs dont appear) like eye mods,hairs or other cosmetics that use an esp

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heres some hi rez body and face textures


and i suggest you to try the high imperial race (even the default face is acceptable )


also for the save games you can use the obmm save management tool to see what cosmetic mods were used (sorry the texture packs dont appear) like eye mods,hairs or other cosmetics that use an esp

thanks lobo ^.^ just installing now do i need to use the textures for the high imperials cuz there isnt a download pack for that?

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no that i remember

theres only two posibilitys whit it

1- it have its own textures

in that case they are really good :biggrin:


2- it uses the vanilla imperial race textures

so if you replaced the vanilla ones, in that case ozmo made really good textures :tongue: (they are on the previous link)

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The High Imperial race uses Head06 head mesh, which is incompatible with any head texture for stock head mesh(or any custom head mesh that uses same UV). I'm sure it uses its own texture.


Note: Lights can make difference. Looking at your character under heavy cloud can make him/her look dull and uninteresting. Also, some screenshots are photoshopped to make them look better.

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another thing about those textures i know they are working because my char is shaved but they dont look at all hi res and the face textures are messed up :o really annoyying tried several times and no luck really so i use the f-inv? skinset that works for me and looks good
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thats ok they are exelent textures :thumbsup:

on the other side when first installed i had the same problem as you. i still think it was my foult becouse i was using lots of texture packages at the same time but not sure why that happens maybe there was an error in the archieve invalidation or i used bad age maps, i fixed them some time ago but i cant give you any support on that becouse i dont remember what i did to fix them or what was wrong in the first place. :wallbash:

still i hope if someone knows how to fix it he/she post here so i know exactly what to do if im forced to a reinstall :sweat:

and for the not so hi rez, they look good whit miracle good install

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Keep in mind that a lot of the pictures uploaded are edited with Photoshop to make them look better than they are in-game. They are artistic shots and not necessarily to show off what they actually look like.
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To make default face (and NPCs) look better, I recommend installing IFT Facial Textures for the age maps (helps with blotchiness), and then overwrite with either Natural Faces or Enayla's Facial Textures. I use Enayla's.


Here are some NPCs from my game with IFT and Enayla's textures. This image is NOT Photoshopped.




IFT Facial Textures http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5643

Natural Faces http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1965

Enayla's Facial Textures http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9534

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surprise surprise they still dont look even as good as your screenies savage ;c (is it so evil to ask for a really good looking char to play with and nice npcs to look at lol) i dunno what it is but it is annoying the hell out've me . i have all settings maxed so it cant be that (grrr why is oblivion moddign so complicated) ... it shoudl be *click* instant beutiful people please :x
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