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Monster Double Face Glitch!


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I installed many mods, including FNIS, CBBE and XP32 skeleton. But I have found a strange glitch. Is that due to a mod conflicting with otthers?








What I have now is a monster nord with a double face! Ok, when I change the race and later go to nord, it goes normal without the glitch, but sometimes during the game, I find strange people with double faces similar to the images above. When they talk, there is a face that don't move, while the other face moves. I just don't know a way to remove the monster useless face! Example, when I see the Balgruff talking, one face is static, while the other superimposed face talk! Later I tried to remove all mods I could possibly remove in the load list, but even this continue. Is that due to FNIS? If so, there's a way to fix this problem? It's problems like this that makes me far from wanting to finish this game...


I just want to get rid of glitches like that! It makes the game... ugly!

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Very often this happens when you install two mods that mod the same body meshes. I've also seen it happen when I tried to run Enhanced Character Edit and RaceMenu at the same time, but only on my character. So, make sure that you have installed only ONE body mod for men and ONE body mod for women. If you installed textures or new normal maps, make sure that they work with your body mod. When you install them, make sure you allow the new textures and normal maps to over-write the old ones.


Then, start a completely new game. Skyrim stores a lot of information in the character's save files, and the conflict that's causing your face glitch is now "baked" into your save.


Good luck. :smile:


One more thing -- if you updated a body mod which included faces (and I think all of them do), make sure that you told NMM "Yes" when it asked if you wanted to update. If you install an update normally, then it and the older version are going to be active at the same time, which would probably also result in the monster faces.

Edited by Jannifer
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  • 3 years later...

The issue is related to XP32 Maximum Skeleton.


I was told you don't need the ESP and DSR was the only mod that needs the ESP. However, this bug proves that statement wrong.


I notices that it happened on my char when using the Face Sculptor and it happened to Argonians like Keerava and Talen. I had Xp32 ESP unchecked. About to launch the game and see if that fixes it.

Edit: Contrary to Jannifer's assumption, it's not "baked into your save game". Just another reason moderators here can't be trusted, they're often completely wrong. using the console on the main menu to teleport to the Bee and Barb shows that even on the freshest of games (that haven't even gone through the intro yet) have this bug - it's not save related.


I also have FNIS and Maximum CBBE (DL'd it before it was removed, you can also get it from the author via PM), so I'll try running GenerateFNISForUsers.exe again. It might also be a load order issue.

Edited by TheMark1992
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  • 2 years later...

hey i have the same problem except i dont have hott argonians mod. this glitch only happens to my character, not to npcs. what should i do? wont reinstalling xpmse bug my game?

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