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Very basic rain mod?


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Hello everybody! Something I've wanted for a while is rain in my game. I know that Nevada Skies has some, but the mod's a bit too heavy on my system and all I want is the rain, nothing else. So, I was wondering, could anybody perhaps make a mod with only the rain from Nevada Skies that I could merge with my other weather mods? (they change the color of the sky and such). Just as a personal favor, of course.


Or, alternatively, does anybody know how I could do it myself? I just really want to have some rain!


Thanks for reading, hope someone can help me out :)

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Probably a dumb question on my end, (I know you said the rain from NVSkies, and I haven't messed with geck in a quite a while), but is there no way to incorporate the rain from Zion Canyon to the Mojave? Through a script or addition to weather / climate? Seems like it could be used somehow.

Edited by SKYZOO
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http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Zion_Canyon A little past half-way down the page. Can't find a screen shot or vid for the life of me tonight, but I have personally seen it (not playing the DLC right now though). I'll start my geck up for once and test my knowledge a bit, see if I can do anything at all without CTD's. >>>>Oh and for the Wika article bit...

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So, amazingly easy idea I came up with (Sounds easy enough at least) to provide you with rain via a hotkey. The rain would technically detect the player using the hotkey while pushed outdoors (via script), and activate over his head, tracking his movement. This way, you are always in the middle of an outdoor rainstorm while activated, and then have it detect if you enter an interior to be signaled to stop (via script). (Until outdoors again, or simply push the button to reactivate when outdoors again)


I was planning to use "NVDLC02RainUp2", rename it "SZRain", and write a script for it to activate via the "L" key. I planned on it tracking the player by location, making it so the player is always in the middle of it (So everywhere you look it's raining), and have it deactivate upon loading interior cells. (I want to make it so it can't be used indoors also)


My question is: IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?

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Well, if there's already rain in Zion, would it maybe be possible to just add that weather to the list of weathers in the Mojave? I really want some basic rain in my game... :confused:

I was poking around a bit a while back, doing some research on making rad/chem-storm weather (ala stalker).....cuz we all need green glowing rain. I'll take a look at it for you. If I recall it wasn't too hard/complicated to implement.

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