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Tutorial on Custom Race Creation?


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I've been searching google and the site for custom race creation tutorial. Would anyone happen to know of one I might have missed? It isn't that big of a deal. I'm 90% sure I can figure it out on my own but I rather go off a guide rather than play around on my own. If nothing is out there I'll just use the oblivion tutorial as make shift guide. Hell you probably do the same in oblivion anyway.


The reason i'm asking is I want to use a body and maybe tattoos that is unique to the player. My toon won't look so badass if everyone has the same body and tats.

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Yeah I seen his guide but had trouble following it. I ended up just looking at another race mod and just did what they did. Uglulyx mod will probably make more sense to me now though. I think the main problem I had with Ug was he used terminology differently than what I was use to. For example one point he tells you to cut and paste the tattoo where I think he meant move the tattoo file. This is the same thing but the way he said made me think I was to cut the tattoo out and paste it into a picture. But I put that on myself. I'm sure most people would have no problem with it.


The race I created works but will CTD after you finish creating your character when your mother dies. However, I can change the race at the door, at the FWE alternative start, or through console without it crashing. The race mod I used as guide also crashes at the same point and few other race mods also crash at the same point. However, there are a few mods like shojo race that don't produce a crash at this point. What I will do is do my race mod over but user Shojo as guide instead. But before I do that i might try removing the hair and eyes I added and going with only vanilla. That is the only difference I can see between the mods that don't crash and the ones that do.

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  On 9/12/2010 at 11:39 PM, bethjunkie said:

Mind sharing what the cause of your CTD was for people who may search in the future? My custom race had the same crashing until I created a NPC of the race.


That is exactly what I did. I notice all the race mods that worked had a NPC with that race and the ones that didn't have a NPC crashed. So I just changed one of the NPCs to my custom race and now no more crashing when I finish selecting my race. Later on I'll try to make a NPC with my race but not add it to the world. I'm not sure at the moment if the NPC has to exist in the world or just be created.

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