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Just a question but wtf would Alexander the Great follow you around? He's a freaking leader and i dont think leaders follow.


well, i think we r ditching the companions, the heroes will just be walking around, and possibly we might hav them in quests.

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did you see this mod ? thats just what you need i supose

thanks alot im gonna see if hes gonna join team spartan and what not if you find any other things please post it ill be working on a site on freewebs and if project spartan gets big i WILL get bandwith and a domain

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did you see this mod ? thats just what you need i supose

thanks alot im gonna see if hes gonna join team spartan and what not if you find any other things please post it ill be working on a site on freewebs and if project spartan gets big i WILL get bandwith and a domain


can i see the website, also we should make a gladius for the spartans


here's a pic of one:




its not very ornate but its what they used.

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we are going to completely re do the Oblivion world, into a Hellenic-Greek Spartan world. The nine will change to the gods of Olympus, the Emperor will change into the spartan king Leonidas. the imperial guard will be wearing Spartan armor, bearing gladius'. All emblems on sheilds, banners and everything else shall change to the Spartan symbol, the unfinished A. Cyrodiil shall bcome the state of Sparta. Shops will be changed, and NPc's will be redone.
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we are going to completely re do the Oblivion world, into a Hellenic-Greek Spartan world. The nine will change to the gods of Olympus, the Emperor will change into the spartan king Leonidas. the imperial guard will be wearing Spartan armor, bearing gladius'. All emblems on sheilds, banners and everything else shall change to the Spartan symbol, the unfinished A. Cyrodiil shall bcome the state of Sparta. Shops will be changed, and NPc's will be redone.



I was refering mostly to the second part about "be realistic you morons". Have you even thought for a minute about how much work is involved there? You're going to need a lot more than a couple people with a bit of CS skill, and a tester (and by tester, he really means "I'll play the mod early and never submit any real bug reports"). Well, assuming if you want a high-quality mod you wouldn't be embarassed to post in public...

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Watch it Peregrine. No flaming, mmkay?

yes we do know how much work is going to have to be done and yes i know modding is hard etc. but we are trying to get a team together i already have bout 5 people that i know in real life "3d-modeler for weapons" concept artist editor tester (not just a player a tester to report bugs) and im getting more so i know what im doing ive done modding before so...eh

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