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Has anyone made a slider system for Armor?


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what i mean that you can customize any armor ingame, stock to DLC, to any size you want like some mesh body mods, it may involve replacing all the stock armor, but it can make it like that it's more real instead of getting some stupid skimpy armors for the size of breasts you want for your toon, either reflects the toon's body config or can be customed on it's own


cause i DO like the female vanilla armors, but they lack the sizing that the replacers have!

Edited by jdavies345
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aside from the armor sliders with CBBE slider and the armors that change based off your characters weight i dont know of any.


i knew of that, but i meant in game that used the same thing as the command showracemenu or similar


edit: mostly that i dont have to exit the game to adjust everything


edit2: and those have mostly skimpy clothing, and some are not what i want, and some are blatant unreal, specially ones that make breasts bounce on IRON OR SOLID ARMOR

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i knew of that, but i meant in game

oh! in that case my answer covers that too, other then mods that has the breasts change by altering your characters weight there are no in game slider mods for armor that have been made.

Edited by qwertyzeldar
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i knew of that, but i meant in game

oh! in that case my answer covers that too, other then mods that has the breasts change by altering your characters weight there are no in game slider mods for armor that have been made.



oh well, i'll look into a mod that'll work with bodyslider


edit: mostly this http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59960/?

Edited by jdavies345
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