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A First Look


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well, I only have one more area to build, then all the room construction will be done. Hopefully in the next day or two. Then all that's left is my favorite part! The decorating and landscaping! :D


Here's some more screenies of my work as it progresses!


Don't worry, I haven't even started decorating this room. I just stuck the lighting in there so I could make sure everything was kosher in-game before I started putting stuff in there. I just thought I'd let you get a look at the beautiful texture by Ceano, it really does look like brand new masonry to me!




A couple shots of the entry hallway - it's surprisingly cozy here!






And a couple shots of the area where I truly excel, the decoration. It really does look like someone lives here! :)








This mod will also include a fine horse for the champion, you'll get a look at him in a few days. His texture needs some tweaking first! ^_^


Just FYI, most of the items you see here are from the Tamriel Resource Pack. I highly recommend it to all modders, it's full of really neato stuff! (Anyone want to ride a donkey or a zebra?) The furniture is mostly done by the incomparable jbvw - he's such an artist! Things aren't as dark as they look in the screenies, I can't figure out why my screenies keep coming out so dark, and I'm just too darn lazy to get in photoshop and lighten them up before posting them. :)


See you next time, and feel free to leave a comment or suggestion for me - I'm always interested in new ideas! ^_^

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okay, set my graphics at the highest level, here's a before and after shot. I hope it helps. :)










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Seems to me like you're over-doing it a bit.

Even if it IS a retreat for the Emperor, it's a retreat, not a mansion.

Also, some of the furniture placement seems questionable to me. Such as that shelf in one screen.


Other than that, it strikes me a lot that the place has no windows.

Moar windows.

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The place is huge. My premise is that the Emperor was fascinated by Ayleid ruins and requested a home modeled after them. But he died before he got a chance to see the place, so it was given to the player as a reward for being Imperial Champion. I mean seriously, all you get is some armor for saving the whole damn world?


And to DrunkenGamer I say, thank you for your input, I'll take it under advisement. However, Ayleid ruins don't have windows.

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yeah, I thought it made sense too. :) Are the textures improved with the higher graphics settings now?


Only one screenie today - I DL'd some animations and poses to try out, and got distracted while making the entire town of Bravil dance in circles. Entertaining, but not productive. :P Anyways, here's a close up of one of the many table and chair groupings. Lots of places to sit and chat here!



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