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Micro asset mod


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Maybe a mod or app not sure.


Is there some way to scale everything back and pull only essential data to run a mod?



My friend has a pc but its not really a gaming rig.

He's never even heard of fallout 3.


But I'd like to send him the vault I've built to interact with.

Just the single area and assets used within that area.

So I can show off what I built.

Ideally I could have an npc version of me give an interactive tour of the facility.

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Like a demo builder to show friends that don't have fallout 3.

So I could bring something on my 1 gig flash drive just click and we are in the vault kinda thing.


I figure it be a cooler way to show off instead of a YouTube vid and screenshots.

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He would need the entire game installed, as the engine, resources, and other things are required to play any amount of the game.


You could always just bring him to your computer and show him the thing yourself.

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Or bring your fallout disc over, with your mod on a flash drive. Install fallout, install mod, show him. Uninstall later. (Or, with a big enough external drive, copy your entire Fallout directory to it, and then copy it onto his machine and use After Fallout C to make the install work on his machine--you would NOT want to run the game from an external!).


Or make a video of you playing with one of the free recorders mentioned here.

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