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I've been freaking out while playing Oblivion, sometimes to the point where I have to check the room's closet. I'll be sneaking through a zombie infested cave, and walk right into one of the shambling undead. I can see every detail of their hole filled bodies. Same with vampires, they just creep me out. Dark Brotherhood missions and the Thieves Guild missions always scare me when I'm sneaking around and I'll suddenly hear loud footsteps. Yeah, I may be somewhat of a scaredy cat, but who cares, I know I really don't.


Note to self: Stop playing at night when everyone in family is asleep.

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Well, i do admit that if I discover that a cave or fortress contains Bandits or Marauders, it makes things a whole lot easier than if the place was populated by other sorts of— folk. But I've been in The Cradle. Nothing in Oblivion comes close to that.


But you're really scared, then brave enough Oblivion gates until you can snag a Transcendant Sigil Stone that imparts Detect Life at 120 feet. The freak-out factor drops tremendously when you can, at a single glance, count and locate every single enemy inside a dungeon level.

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Well I don't get scared but some things can make me jump. They don't give me nightmares.


But in what way is a game different from a film that can scare you, Peregrine? It's just a film but it can be enormously disturbing, even when you know there was a film crew of hundreds sitting the same side of the cameras you are and 90% was done in the edit process anyhow. I mean there aren't many films that do that scare me but there are moments. Don't Look Now is one that springs to mind, when the little girl in the red cloak finally turns around.


When the virtual reality game arrives we will be able to smell a rotting zombie and touch it. Now that does sound scary!

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Come on Peregrine, if you've played FEAR you must have been frightened at some point. That damned little girl... :(


I haven't really been scared by Oblivion. Wierded out, once or twice. Jumped when I suddenly fell on top of a clanfear I hadn't noticed below me.

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