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Door Locks


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Could you please tell me what is the lock level for doors - specifically if you want it to have a key?


When I arranged door locks in Oblivion, I had a choice, and usually it was to select a key. Unfortunately in Morrowind, this principal does not seem to apply.



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I'm not quite sure what you're talking about here. But if you are talking about being in the Construction Set and trying to set a lock level, you can choose anything between 1 and 100. you can still pick a lock at level 100 though. You can also assign a key to any lock level. I hope thats what you were looking for. Good luck!
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Thaaks, that does shed a bit of light on the problem, but I would like if possible to make a door oonly openable with the key made for it - in other words pick-proof. At the sme time, do you think it would be possible to make a door "owned" by the player to give an even greeater level of security?
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I think that to have a door that can only be opened by a key, will need new scripts written for it, and that is something I do not know how to do. Yes I think to make the door owned by the player would add security, and you could also enchant the door with a really powerful enchantment as well.
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