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Improved Vanilla Free Shacks


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I am desperately looking for one mod that improves all 6 of the free makeshift player homes found throughout vanilla skyrim. They are:


Alchemist's Shack (sw of Ivarstead)

Meeko's Shack (w of Morthal)

Riverside Shack (sw of Windhelm)

Traitor's Post (e of Windhelm)

Lund's Hut

Anise's Cabin.


I am not looking to make all them player homes for me. Rather I am going to be playing a wandering hunter that prefers not to settle in one place, but to take his home with him where ever he goes. His temporary homes is what ever campsite he sets up in the areas he is hunting in. However there will be times when he is out in the wilderness and needs to find shelter, warmth, and maybe a place to resupply his dwindling reserves. Times such as when a blizzard or other terrible storm hits, or he's under attack by dragon or other deadly foe and he needs a place to hide, coming across these shacks can be invaluable to him if it provides him what he needs to just to ride out the storm or wait until his pursues lose track of him. I know there are mods out there already that change these places, but I am going to have a hefty to load order already, and i just want these in one tidy esp. Can it be done?

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