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Looking For Mod Voicing Tut Suggestions


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Hello All, I'm in the middle of eduacting myself on voicing and creating dialogue/quests for one of my mods. I'm at present going through all the available info I can find via the Nexus wiki and CK wiki as well as various Youtube tuts. I was just wondering if anyone knows of any other good tutorials on voicing a mod that I could look in to.


The idea is to take and existing male mod I've created and voice act for him , giving him unigue dialogue as well as banter etc as well and a possible quest to make things more interesting. Another thing is I've been a professional musician/singer for about 40 years and want to give a bard AI and add some personal songs to his repertoire. Having been an actor as well I want to take my mod creating to a new level. Anyhow thanks for reading this and any help would be appreciated.



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Thanks Rhowington much appreciated and congrats On Lorraine she's a big hit. I left Skyrim for quite a while, too busy with work, the kids and ESO but found more time to start modding again. Much appreciated as always. I've been to deck 16 but the other two are very helpful thanks!

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Or if you want the super easy fully functional custom follower who is OFF that bloody vanilla skyrim follower framework



Nothing against those tutorials they can help a LOT, but I personally hate the default follower framework and it is easier to just make them off it, then you don't have to deal with all the regular crap and can get on to making your follower more unique faster

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Or if you want the super easy fully functional custom follower who is OFF that bloody vanilla skyrim follower framework




Nothing against those tutorials they can help a LOT, but I personally hate the default follower framework and it is easier to just make them off it, then you don't have to deal with all the regular crap and can get on to making your follower more unique faster

Or you can find a written tutorial on a custom follower framework on my site:





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Thanks Darren83 best and easiest description on Papyrus I've seen yet, being a PHP scripter myself I was able to understand what you were explaining on your vid better than most vids I've seen. I'm subscribing to your channel right now.


Matthiaswagg, I'm bookmarking your page, your work is also very clear an well done!!! I can absolutely use your information for what I want to do!!


Thanks to both of you for sharing your work I appreciate it a great deal!!

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