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over righted something now oblivion will not work


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hi i downloaded amazing jump and put it in it over wrights the jump animation so i went to launch oblivion and it will not wok now so basically what i am asking for is can somebody give ma a link to a .zip with the jumping animations the directory is oblivion>meshes>characters>male that's where the jump is thank you
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Awesome, enough.


She said it, it's true, follow her instructions.


In my home country doing what you are asking for would be a serious crime punishable by a significant fine likewise across the western bloc where most of our modders are from. So your chances of actualy getting someone to upload the file you seek is null.


What you dont seem to understand is that the natural state for this subfolder is empty. Delete the mod and Oblivion will automaticaly re-install the default animation. However if that somehow does not, and really, it SHOULD in all theory work, then another route exists.


Try this as your last resort: Use BSA commander or OBMM's inbuilt function to track your way through the .BSA archives and find one of the backup folders for jump, copy it's .KF's to _male, problem solved.


Illiad gave you solid advice, I recomend you stop pleading and listen, she knows what she is talking about. And dont ask me or anyone else to pirate software ever again or I'll be much less forgiving, The Nexus take piracy seriously, and sees it for what it is: a major crime. I too take it seriously and not one person on this site will upload this folder. Dismissed.

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