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Ordinators permanently hostile after Entius quest


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Okay. So I killed the first two Ordinators that jumped out to attack you when you first find Saprius Entius in the Arena storage area. I walked out the door, and three feet in front of me was another one, just staring me down but not doing anything else, or planning to. Now, I like to roleplay my game, and him not attacking us didn't make any sense. So I thought "Well, if he isn't attacking on his own, maybe I should talk to him and trigger something."


Oh, I 'triggered' something, all right. After I did it, I found that all the patrolling Ordinators began to attack me on sight. Now at the time I thought it would end when the quest was over. Well, it doesn't end.


For always and forever after you initiate that greeting, every single wandering Ordinator guard in the game will attempt to disembowel you, because their Fight stat is set to 100. Meaning, you could become the freaking Patriach of the Temple, and they would still want to introduce Mr. Ebony Mace to your skull. Not that you would survive being around a temple long enough but hey, there ya go anyway.


So anyway, I'm posting this in the hopes that somebody knows of a bugfix or mod that corrects this, or knows of a console command I could enter to solve things.

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I'm on a second round of Morrowind (I ianve the Goty this includes the other 2 expansion packs as well - Bloodmood and Tribunnal) since I decided to leave Oblivion and re-play Morrowind - there is quite a lot of detail there that acts as a foundation to Oblivion!


If you have a save BEFORE you kiled those 2 ordinators, go back to that and start again, this time leave the ordinators alone! If you don't, you'll just get a repeat of the situation you're in now! Don't fall into the trap of "because there are only these two here it's OK to kill them" - it's just as if you kill a guard anywhere, all guards will attack on sight, the same goes with ordinators.


Also you may want to bear this in mind for the legion soldiers, kill on and all attackk om sight.


Basically the best thing to do is leave ALL of them alone.


So far as I know, there is NO console command or anything else that would stop this, so look at it this way, LEAVE THEM ALONE to start with, this way the problem doesn't arisse.

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