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Skyrim Wereboar Mod Request


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Hi there, so I thought about this and I'm pretty sure others have as well. why dont we make some wereboar mod? So I tried to do the job myself. Unfortunately, it would take 21 hours to download the proper mod tools such as 3ds max and nifscope as my internet is horrible and I cannot do anything about it. So I am humbly asking if someone else can do this mod on my behalf. The wereboar ability should be given to Orcs but it does not matter. All I want as of now is the actual wereboar although it would be nice to see something like a charge damage when sprinting at enemies as the wereboar has tusks. Perhaps, it should look something like this below. Thank you and I wish you the best of luck!

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I made this same request almost a year ago and to no prevail and why should it be given to orcs? Wereboars are lycanthopes native to High Rock and were in daggerfall and not related to orcs in anyway.

Edited by tx12001
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Have you considered touching base with the maker of the Moonlight Tales mod about this? I, for one, would love to see this, too (though without the tie to orsimer characters, because as mentioned above lycanthropy is not so much a racial trait as a mystical one). :smile:

Yea your right, will do!

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Have you considered touching base with the maker of the Moonlight Tales mod about this? I, for one, would love to see this, too (though without the tie to orsimer characters, because as mentioned above lycanthropy is not so much a racial trait as a mystical one). :smile:

UPDATE: i have not been able to contact the author as my computer has a messaging problem. Could one of you guys do it for me instead? thank you so much.

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I would love to see a Wereboar mod, anything that adds new creatures and ways to play the game is always nice to see. I hear the team working on North Point have a Wereboar, though they've been pretty quiet lately, so I have no idea how long it will be until their Wereboar is playable. You could try contacting the maker of moonlight tales, though when I tried messaging him about diversifying the Werebears I got no response. Having said that, I messaged him a long while ago so he might be up for discussing Wereboars...

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