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Absolution is Absolutely Absolute.


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“Absolution is absolutely absolute.”


There was a time in which I believed,

A time when I would not dispute,

That love in our hearts’ when conceived,

Are absolutely absolute.


So mad was I,

With a passion so burning,

For the one that caught my eye,

That not a moment escaped without me yearning.


‘Twas early day when I first saw,

A beauty so inexplicably divine.

To all she passed their attention she would draw,

And no exception was mine.


Not much lower was the sun,

When I contemplated how to proceed.

How should I steal the heart of the one,

That made my heart pound like a wild steed?


For many an hour my mind would wander,

And picture my love and I hand in hand.

Walking through a park, a forest, a beach in the yonder.

Sitting together, writing our names in the sand.


To the very place we take our first kiss,

On one knee I would say,

“My love is forever, and forever I ask to live with you in bliss.”

I’d hold my breath, wait and pray.


Everyday I’d sing of our romance,

So prideful and sinfully loud.

And every night I’d take her hand in dance,

Till and after eternity we’ve vowed.


Soft laughter of our future running,

Pitter patter on the hardwood.

Watching together as our love’s creation keeps growing.

Living in wonder, as peaceful as we could.


Daydream aside, dimmer was the sky.

I had to plan,

Ensure I’d catch her eye.

Mind ablaze, ideas ran.


Then came a solution,

Simple, yet cunning.

I set it in motion,

And knew it’d be stunning.


At the front desk I would leave,

In the inn she resides,

My anonymous extenuations to receive,

A munificent meal at the Serene Tides.


A flower I would present,

Upon her table that night.

As she dines looking ever so pleasant,

I’d wait for the time to be ever-so right.


So fancy a place I chose,

At the border of beige and blue,

That with this ruby-red rose,

The reasons for hesitation would be few.


As the gulls sing and the water crashes,

I’d set my gift down with a respectful gesture.

Set the candles, strike the matches,

Kneel and kiss the hand of her.


Confess my attraction as the light of her eyes glints.

Despite her response I shall speak prepared.

Any reply I have words to convince.

And she will see how much I cared.


The time has come, the moment was right.

I saw her sitting with graceful posture.

I approached my darling while my heart took flight,

Executed my plan, and awaited the response from her.


Staring so smug in those gorgeous hazel eyes,

I had thought myself a God.

So genius a plan, I can’t help but let out my sighs.

And smile so wide and nod.


She placed her hand upon her chest,

And let such a beautiful laugh ring.

This, I thought, was my absolution, my fears put to rest.

Her voice was so heavenly it was chilling…



“Absolution is absolutely absolute.”


There was a time in which I believed,

A time when I would not dispute,

That love in our hearts’ when conceived,

Are absolutely absolute.


Until my love, so absolutely beautiful,

Awoke me from my delirious dream,

And forced upon my mind thoughts so regretful,

And clarified that things were not as they had seemed.


For me she had no desire,

For me she hadn’t any respect.

And said to me so horribly dire,

Her rejections, listed and checked.


How can someone so cynosure,

So radiantly perfect,

Pierce my heart with such a forceful puncture,

And care not her word’s affect?


She mocked my love,

Mocked my very existence.

Mocked my present, mocked my desire and of all else above,

Crushed my heart with violence.


I sat there, quiet and still.

And absorbed every word,

Every verbal stab, so horrid and shrill.

And my fantasy absolution was indeed cured.


For at her last breath for insult,

A switch, previously unknown, was indeed flicked.

In my neck I felt a snap, and insatiable urge for revolt.

And at her last sayings my sanity’s last second clicked.


What can I say? I snapped.

So much built up for this moment.

So beautiful was she, so much my heart was wrapped.

And all that became of it was torment.


It was no fault of my own,

You must understand.

I had my absolution, my dreams sown.

And they were crushed as ruthlessly as they were grand.


My love turned to hate,

My mind was in a fog.

For her it was too late,

My body was in ague.


The rose which I gave with delight,

I took in my hands and thrust.

The stem I drove through her eye so tight,

I felt myself give way to the actions so just.


What took over is yet to be known.

However gruesome it felt just right,

So I let the building pressure be blown.

“To-the-Pain” I would give, I would not go light.


So the silverware that lay,

Carefully placed side by side,

I took in my hand, and ensured she would never see another day.

Never see a place she could hide.


By her hair I clenched and pulled,

And brought her to the border of beige and blue.

Once such a peaceful thought is now dulled,

As I pushed her face in the waving hue.


With my foot I pressed,

With my anguish I drove.

With my heel on her breast,

With my hatred I rove.


I stopped not till her dress so white,

Was stained ruby-red as the rose in her eye.

For her there would be no light,

For here is the last place she will lie.


It was not long till my blood-lust was satiated,

But I could help not but imagine.

How long in her perspective was she abated?

Sunken with my continual force and sin.


Maybe this was my absolution after all?

And not of that charlatan.

I shall rid the world of ones alike, big or small.

With conviction to rival a Spartan.



“Absolution is absolutely absolute.”


There was a time in which I believed,

A time when I would not dispute,

That love in our hearts’ when conceived,

Are absolutely absolute.


But with my sight now clear,

My mind focused with nothing to dilute,

That no matter how precious and dear,

Absolution is absolutely not absolute.




Kudos if you like it.

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Very excellent. I will read it again.


Alas, I have already given you kudos and that can only be given once by each of us to each of anybody else.

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Thank you Maharg. You always seem to comment on my writings, however inoften I ever put them up, and I do very-much so appreciate it. I am normally never one to gloat, although I love to publicize certain particulars. But, although not as I wished it to be*, I am a little proud of this one. Would you believe I was not in my right mind at the time? I can't exactly elaborate, but for someone not all "there" I am proud of this.


*For the same reason described after, I cut this very short and made it rather succinct.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: I have given you a Kudos because you have always been very kind and offered criticism, which I so (relatively) rarely see either continually from one person, or as nice, polite, and kind as you.


I give my Kudos out with great thought, and only to people when I see they are a very good, important and deserving to the community. I have so rarely Kudosed for content reasons alone, and definitely not as of the last while.


PPS: Edit: Also, the indentation was destroyed when posted, although when edited it can be seen. I used Tab in MS.Word for indentation, and if not in code or probably quote, it doesn't show up as even a single space.

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  • 2 months later...

:sleep: :blush: woah.......ok dude um.......WHA?????????? In that poem thing did you MURDER HER?!?!?!?!?! thats thats thats just INSANE! you need to write about love and true compassion instead of love then death!!! :confused: :wallbash: :thumbsup:


No one ever said that love had to have a happy ending....


Romeo and Juliet...


*Cough* :laugh:

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While I thank you for offering your opinions they have little baring. Simply reading my signature image should have been sufficient enough to make your comment void and irrelevant, but I thought the poem itself did that enough. If you look at the link labeled Request a Poem on my signature you'd also see me say very specifically I do NOT write love poems, or happy and uppity and holy crap I just remembered that a couple months ago or so I promised I'd write a love poem for someone and I never did and I always intended to but it slipped my mind and this person was really wanting it and now I feel bad and I pretty much ONLY write poetry with a morbid message pretty much always.


I do not write this with aggression, so please don't let the emotionless nature of read text get to you. I am just trying to emphasize that you could have written that a little less.... rudely... and I appreciate your suggestion. I will take it under advisement, and then promptly not do that.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, don't read my other poetry, you won't like them either.


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