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"Off the Top of My Head"


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In the chat I was trying to persuade people to come up with quickie poems off the top of their heads... Then when I read me saying, "off the top of my head," I was inspired to write this.


Off the Top of My Head


There once was a boy,

A boy so kind and polite.

He saw the world with wonder and joy,

Always set out to do what was right.


He was such a wonderful lad,

Always eager to help and love.

Disciplined and studied, he was not at all bad.

Yet he had a habit that I tired of.


For you see this boy would say,

On the occasion I did so dread,

When the situation allotted in the day,

“I came with it off the top of my head.”


To this I never truly understood,

As they were verbal words from his mouth.

I tried to see from his perspective the best I could,

But each and every time my mind went south.


“Off the Top of My Head” he would say,

Yet I see on him only his hair.

With no proof, be that as it may,

I would find myself looking with a harsh stare.


How can that which is said,

Be from a place so physical?

That is to say that if instead,

The absurdity was nothing to ridicule.


I had to find out and see.

I had to know the truth.

I had but the boy living with glee,

Angering me, despite his youth.


So, upon myself I took it one day.

I would find out and prove it to be,

That nothing so paradoxical he may say,

Will stop me from knowing, I would see.


With a blade I covered to disguise,

I talked with the boy so hopeful.

I waited for the moment to arise,

When he would say the words so drool.


At the moment I heard the sentence said,

And listened with ever so much care.

“I came with it off the top of my head.”

I quickly severed him, mouth to hair.


Peering through the mind of the boy so bright,

The boy with a hopeful dream and heart,

I found nothing to my absolute delight,

Despite me tearing his head apart.


I flung in the air the boy’s useless brain,

And shouted to the world for all to hear.

Even though this pest drove me insane,

The truth was discovered, it was all clear.


Kudos if you like it!


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Poor body? Or boy?


And when am I ever going to write something that doesn't end in death in one form or another? Click on something in this forum with my name as author expect innocents to go bye bye! lol


Thank you for the comment though. ^_^


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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I understand not, I am afraid.

For that in which you speak.

Tis no geek nor studding in my rhythmic tirade,

And my anger is not becoming of me; I am not weak.


I also just woke up at this time.

And despite there being no coffee,

Felt I would reply in rhyme.

So for your explanation I will wait and see.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Took me four times reading to get the message. ^_^' But now that I got it I thank you for the kind words. Unless I misunderstood anyways, which I probably did... Now that I read it again...


Okay, which of these is correct?

1: I confused you in my reply

2: You are amused by the rhymes?


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.



PS: Forgive my stupidity, I, in my great smoked out lungs and unshapedness, while sick with over a hundred degree temperature, decided to take a nice jog in MethDesto's wonderfully clean air without having had any sleep, forgot to take my stomach acid medication, (that was the real kicker) and had not even had time to drink coffee, or drink coffee, or let the coffee cool to drinking temperature, or drink coffee. Ya... I'm soooo smart.

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