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Housing Options


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In the vanilla game, there's only one house available for sale per hold. Even the minor holds, which have lots outside the cities proper, still only have one space available.


For of all, that's really contrived. How is it that, at the time you enter Skyrim, there just happens to be one - and only one each - home available for purchase in every hold except Winterhold? What are the odds?


Second, it sucks for roleplaying. Imagine if you're a master thief, and leader of the Thieves Guild, and you've acquired a ton of wealth by picking thousands of gems off of unsuspecting civilians, through your "Prowler's Profit" ability. You want to live in Riften due to your close ties with the Thieves Guild, but you want a mansion with the splendor and grandeur of Proudspire Manor or Lakeview Manor, to flaunt your incredible wealth! Well, you're SoL, my friend!


So, you like living in Whiterun, but want something than that dinky old Breezehome? Tough luck!


Want to live in Solitude, but can't really afford, yet, the hefty price tag for Proudspire Maor? Or, perhaps you're roleplaying as a slightly more humble person who would live in a more humble abode. Well, too bad!


Most "player home" mods I've seen don't address this issue. They either update existing homes (Breezehome tends to get the most treatment on this end) or they add homes that you don't have to purchase through the Steward, but instead, they just GIVE the homes to you! Maybe a quest, but you still don't really "buy" the homes.


I'd like to see a mod that adds several additional homes for the player to purchase through the Steward, for each hold. About ten homes per hold: The more splendorous they are, the fewer of those types of homes will be available for sale.


Here's some suggestions:


1. In Riften, once Mercer Frey is killed, his home would then be available for the Steward to sell.

2. For middle-class homes, you could add some extra condos in the "water level" area of Riften, surrounding the Ratway. For example, you could have one squeezed in between Romlyn Dreth's house and Marise Aravel's house, with an identical floor plan.


3. For Whiterun, have a home that's actually located in the Residential district of the city!

4. Meanwhile, have one in the cloud district. Fast travel to Dragonsreach (so your facing the door), then turn to your left, and I can see a perfect location to place a Proudspire Manor-esque mansion! All you need to do is use the Creation Kit to back up the city walls about a hundred meters, but that souldn't be too hard, should it?


Create enough of these extra homes, and you could lay the foundation for a future mod where you can rent those homes out to tenants for a profit!


I hope somebody makes this. This would be awesome!

Edited by stebbinsd
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and you are don't like them because they are not in the city?

Ummm... yeah! Problem?!




If you hate the fact they are free, just drop some money in any barrel.

Dude, that's not even remotely close to the same thing!


That's like people asking for a mod similar to Immersive HUD, and somebody else just saying "Oh, just use your imagination!"

Edited by stebbinsd
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I guess it okay to want a house in the city. Sorry if I sounded rude. I mean most of theses are just outside.

And yes, most buyable homes does something is not realistic at all. They setup a board in front of the house. You click and it gives you a key and deed. They will be used once the deed will go into any small chest and that it. While you can go to the steward bedroom, give them the money in there end table or desk as payment while they are there. Or complete a major quest and pretend the house is a gift.

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