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WTH is with the Setting be off by 120 years


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OK here is what I am talking about.


The bombs fell in 2077. yet everything in the game seems late 1950's.


Its actually kind of annoying. Why make a video setting up the world as being destroyed in 2077, without following through with content. The only content that meets 2077 is energy weapons/armor, robots and the vault/pipboy everything else in the world looks like it came from 120 years before the bombs fell.


To me it breaks immersion. Hell vehicles shouldn't even have wheels. Much less all the rims I see on the ground. The fridges should at least be up to snuff with todays fridges. They really dropped ball on the keeping the setting where they actually set it. Well just the timeframe. Now if they changed the opening video to say in 1962 the world fell into nuclear war it might work...


For those who dont know what video I am talking about. Start a new game and let the video play until the guy starts talking. He mentions the year in there.


End Rant.


I was wondering if anyone knows of a project to change the objects in world to actually meet the time frame they set. If not oh well I guess I can deal with bad era setting... I can just think about it as if its not earth. or something to keep from breaking immersion.



Nevermind I found a logical explination Here. Sorry for the rant.

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In the alternate timeline, it seems that WW2 lasted a lot longer, and people were more preoccupied with winning the war, supporting their troops, and not letting loose lips sink ships, than updating the aesthetics of the world (Who knows what Japan looked like, with what it looks like now).


By the way, on a completely unrelated note.. Could I request you shrink your signature a bit? It's irksome to scroll past huge signatures.

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When I played Fallout 1, I too was baffled by the 2077...

To me.. 1977 would have made a lot more sense in the alternate world than 2077...

But then again... 2077 leaves a LOT of gaps in which to fill with a lot of history.

Check out the timeline on the Fallout wiki =)


Also Fallout is based on what people back in the 1950's thought the world would be like in the future... What you saw in 2077 is what they envisioned.


Back then there was no music like the more modern stuff we hear today so they'd hardly imagine that would they?

Nuclear powered cars

Nuclear war (Fear of the nukes because of the American bombings of Japan)

1950's music

Resource wars

Cartoonlike advertisements with "Family" being the subject of interest.


So yeah that's why theres a 1950's feel to the game.


The Fallout Universe is one of the most popular universes I've ever come across... the story of it is just amazing and I really enjoy it.

It's unique.

Not many other universes are like Fallout's.

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Well, it's Fallout, after all. You see, the whole point with the Fallout-series when it comes to aesthetics, is that it's basically what people in the 1950's imagined the near future would be. It's a dreamworld of tomorrow, shattered by nuclear war and a few bucketloads of gigantic ants.

Quite a few people when dealing with Fallout do the mistake to believe it should be reguarded as a somewhat realistic scenario, when it's more like how a 50's post-apocalyptic film would have been.


I recommend this article, by the way. It will explain things, but I was stuck all day when I found it. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Divergence

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sorry about not getting back to change the signature. It was an old one from when I was on oblivion. Been on vacation for about a week.


Yeah I figured out the reason for the offset of the settings timeline after the OP, I thought I edited it with a link to a logical explination.



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