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4gb fail to launch


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Hey so i looked around a bit and the only other person I was able to find with the same problem as me was here.


None of the fixes shown here worked for me but tbh I didnt fully understand them all. I have both nsve and nv4gb installed. These SHOULD be the versions that play nice with each other and I already tried re installing both a few days ago when I first discovered the problem. Basically whenever I got to launch nv4gb I get the a progress bar that says "loading new vegas" but about halfway through it disappears and nothing happens. Im attaching a screenshot of what I mean. (too large but all it doesnt really show anything your imagination cant work out.) I tried launching both with the nv4gb icon and with a custom path through NMM and both had the same effect (go figure)


As far as the fixes in the other forum the only two that seemed to work for anyone were disabling the d3d9.dll which I dont have or manipulating the steam appid in some way I dont understand. Since I have the Ultimate Edition my appid is 22380 by default and they were talking about one that is 22490 which I assume is the appid for the standard edition. At this point im at a loss and am hoping you guys can help me out, thanks! :)

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22490 is if you have the PL/CZ/RU version of the game, other wise it's 22380. There is a log in your My Documents\My Games\FalloutNV folder that I could look at and try to determine the problem.


If you aren't using FNV4GB Updated that may also be the reason as the older versions become less and less compatible with Steam.

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