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Laptop with mid-ranged hardware capabilities

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Good evening. When one wants to follow the glorious path of PC gaming, deskops win by far because of (1) Upgrade-ability (2) Price (3) Performance (most important I guess)... Despite this, I have several reasons that do not allow me to build or buy my desktop and so my best bet for the next couple of years would be a laptop with reasonable hardware. I will ignore any comments telling me to buy a desktop since I'm already making a point that I can't, unless I had enough money to buy both a desktop and a laptop at the same time. The reasons that stop me from buying/building a desktop are mostly related to portability, not gaming portability but because I need my personal computer to fulfil tasks either when I'm working or when I'm at college, a desktop will not allow me to lead my daily life comfortably and productively.


That being said, I mostly play RPG's like Skyrim, Oblivion and I'd like to try Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas. I also play Age of Empires, some Civilization, sometimes I'll play some stealth titles - But I don't demand to play all the recent games or anything like that - I only need a mid-ranged laptop with a decent graphics card (dedicated memory) - I've been looking at the Nvidia geforce GTM 840M 2DDR - It's mid ranged and will allow for the experience I'm looking for. Most other games I play are older games I used to play on the PS2 and will work fine on any modern discrete graphics card.


I'm also not exactly rich and my country has been going trough a deep economical and financial crisis since 2008 onwards so I have no problem in admitting I can't afford something too expensive, gaming is, as it has been said, a luxury and I've got to go with what I can afford ATM - Something between 500$ - 800$ is what my current budget will allow and no more than that - My currency is € but feel free to present the value in US$ if you wish too.


Keep in mind that games like Morrowind or Oblivion only work on one core, so I'll need to be careful when choosing the CPU, taking into account that Oblivion runs well on 3.0Ghz speed according to the recommended system requirements... So basically, CPU wise, a mid-ranged core i5 will do the job I think. RAM memory is fine if it is 4 or 8 and the traditional screen size for laptops (15'6 I think) is also enough for me. I'm not crazy by graphics and I prefer having high FPS (60+) although some games look fine with an average of 30, and the minimal resolution I demand is 1024x760. I'd like if I could play Skyrim at ultra-settings but high isn't bad either


A question - What is turbo boost and how does it work? Let's say the speed is 2.0 and turbo is 3.0 - What does that mean?


Thanks in advance for everyone that may bring suggestions

Edited by Blackout0219
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keep in mind though, that regardless of what companies may lead you to believe, LAPTOPS ARE NOT FOR GAMING.


if you're going to use a laptop, you might as well choose a latest gen console instead.


oh and turbo boost... hehe, you like snake oil aye? that's integrated overclocking with one button for people to pretend they are "harcore pc gamers" with overclocked gear...at a push of a button xD


look, mate, you don't really need an i7 to play anything you like. you can do well with an i5 or i3. 4 to 8gb ddr3 do just fine!, and you don't need a Titan so the game loads either. even with a gtx670 or gtx560 you are WAY past the recommended requirements. though i'd advice against a gtx480 or below. or even a non GTX card. the games will load of course, but the cards will give you nothing but headaches!.


also there's AMD/ATI they're cheaper


bottom line: forget about laptops for gaming. unless you're talking about facebook games...

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