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throw the other people out and use them as steps


I just threw a bowling ball in to a plasma TV and killed it dad going to be mad how to get out of being killed


just cause I want to see what answers I get


Hit your dad in the face with the bowling ball and run. Should give you enough time for a swift escape...


A storm surge is heading my way. How can I possilby hope to survive?

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Shoot him with your trusty shotgun.


I fell off a chair, now I'm hanging by my scarf from the ceiling fan, what can I do?

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Ahh, scarfs... the problems they've caused me you would honestly not believe, but I do know how to escape them when they decide to garrot me.


Reach up and pull the fan out of the ceiling, and drop down.



Im at the bank and a "woman" who suspiciously resembles a character from Little Brittain is refusing me access to my bank account, what do I do?

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Tell "her" you've got pictures of "her" in the shower, and you'll show all and sundry if she doesn't comply with your wishes.


I've fallen into a 20ft deep hole in the ground and the rain's coming thick and fast, I'm gonna drown!

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