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Fix for the FPS drop in Civil War questline (Whiterun battle)


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Hi guys, first of all, I hope I've posted in the proper thread, if not I am sorry :(

So, few years back, on my first Skyrim playthrough, while playing through civil war quest, I've (as many others) encountered a glitch that makes the frames drop to 0 :( so, then I searched everywhere hoping to find a solution, with no luck finding it....

Anyway, I've completed the siege quests simply by using "tgm" and "tcl" to make my way up to the towns gate (it took me almost an hour to reach WR)
but as soon as I've entered the town, my frames climbed to a steady 60fps as usual....

Since in that time it looked like it's the only solution I didin't bother playing the civil war again....BUT
few days ago, I decided to install Civil War Overhaul and war armoury pack, so I can enjoy having big battles without triggering the quest, but as time passed I joined one side thinking that if the FPS drops again, I'll just do what I did before....

The thing is, there were no FPS drops this time, ok, there were, like 10 frames, no biggie, and so upon completing I've decided to investigate and search through my mods hoping to find some link with this, and I think I did.....

So....I think that Realistic Lightning Overhaul and 1 tweak in SkyrimPrefs.ini helped this....since the cause is poor programming, and it is only this that effects this frame loss, I've found that RLO does something to enhance not only light system but the frames itself, now I don't run an high end rig, I can play Skyrim on high - barely....and I say barely because I had to tweak ini file to lower the shadows beneath minimum while still keeping them smooth (you would not believe how much frames can you get simply by doing this), so I just did this:


iBlurDeferredShadowMask =2
fInteriorShadowDistance =2000.0000
fShadowDistance =2500.0000
iShadowMapResolutionSecondary = 128
iShadowMapResolutionPrimary = 128
iShadowSplitCount = 2
iMaxAnisotropy =1

now I know, since the minimum is 512, some may say that this is unstable, but trust me, I've played with this setting for over 2 years (and it does not conflict with anything).....so this tweak + RLO will boost your game enormously and give it a little more realistic feel....

please post your experiences with this glitch and my fix, and also ask if you want, I'll do my best to help...
(Again I apologise if this is not in the proper thread, this is the first time I write on forums so forgive me)
All the best
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nope, I did that while searching for a way to make shadows better, and on ENBoost page I found this (the .ini tweak), there are many threads about this tweak...I don't know what you mean by "speed up script"...I just did this to enhance shadows, but it looks like it had some other pros

and I don't need to make a fresh .ini, I've got a backup of the original, and I've played with this settings for years, they rly help out a lot

Edited by xerxes1cross
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