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Having issues converting .esp into .esm without losing quest aliases


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This has been a persistent problem since last year when I tried the same thing, as soon as I use either wrye bash or the default method of changing the file extension to an .esm. My mod has half of the quest scripts cease working.


I'm really not sure what the issue here is, I know that the only reason why quests don't normally fire is because of something pertaining to aliases. I just want to know why changing to an .esm would cause this? Is it something about the load order or that there are problems inherent with the mod (This was my first mod, I only became proficient with the CK as time went on, there were a lot of errors when I first started working on the mod).


The mod in question is Beyond Reach.




If anyone would like to have a go at converting this into an .ESM while retaining quest stability, then please, have a go.

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Yeah, I keep regenerating the .SEQ file every time I create a quest. But it's the aliases which are not filling, not the dialogue not working. It's strange, it's been happening for a long time.


I'll give it another go using that method, although I think I've already done it that way before. I used wrye bash this time and still had the same result.

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You need to use TESVEdit to make this change properly.


Open up your .esp in it, expand the top part, select the File Header section. On the right hand pain, right click on the line that says "Record Flags". Select edit. Check the box for ESM. Hit OK, then save the file.


The reason you need Edit for this is because Skyrim (and the two Fallout games) require some ONAM subrecords to handle any vanilla record edits that get done. Without those, you will run into problems. Usually in the form of edits being ignored, which is likely what happened to you.


Wrye Bash does not yet account for this so setting the flag with it is not enough for a mod you intend to distribute. Doing it in Bash is only useful for loading it into the CK to use as a master for something else.

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Sounds like something is fundamentally wrong with the file then. When dealing with aliases, testing whether or not they fill correctly is best done by marking them all as optional, then trying to trigger the quest in-game. Once it starts, see which ones aren't filled that you're expecting should be. Usually it'll be something silly like needing to mark it as "Allow Reserved" or something. Or making sure it's not trying to fill with a dead or disabled NPC etc.

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Changing all the aliases to optional seems to have fixed the first quest when the mod is an .ESM. Although I don't know why these specific aliases aren't filling, maybe I should reassign them or change their order?


It works completely fine as an .esp. I just don't see why there would be a change when converting to .esm.

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