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[Updated] Nexus Trojan/Virus alert


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I can't say I agree with you on that one Marcurios.


There are just a few people fighting (Against a Moderator even - Lost Case^^), so saying that everyone is fighting is a little overreacting, though I understand what you mean. :)


And as for moderators replying to Email/PM? I've sent a lot of PMs to moderators, and I've always received an answer... May be good luck though. :P

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Wow. Didn't see this kind of propaganda since communism collapsed in my country. Back then, anything bad that happened, was the fault of evil imperialists from Western Europe... And now you use the same (wrong) logic to accuse evil people from Eastern Europe and Asia for troyans on your site.... :o(


LHammonds - are you sure you can read? Let's see:

"Such attacks have become natural on the internet and the fix is often reactive to an attack rather than preemptive. Indeed the patch to fix this issue was only released after several big name players in the internet community had been infected by the attack. It's simply wicked people, normally from Eastern Europe and Asia, preying on individuals who aren't up-to-date with their internet security."

That's what I reacted to. I know he can see IP addresses of attackers to his site. But I doubt he knows IP addresses of attackers of "big name players in the internet community" - and thus, such generalization is wrong logic.

I can read and I even have reading comprehension skills to boot. But rather than turning this into personal attacks as you seem to heading towards, let us instead try and understand just what you are trying to say.


Are you reacting to Dark0ne talking about attacks normally coming from Eastern Europe and Asia and classifying those attackers as "wicked."


Or are you talking about how Dark0ne noted that the fix to the problem did not occur until after "big name players" were affected?


You only seemed to have based your initial reply on that one particular sentence about attackers being wicked...and I think YOU misunderstood this to mean most people in Eastern Europe and Asia are wicked...which is NOT what he said.


So basically, you seem to be standing up for those people that attack this site and seem to be throwing around slander comparing Dark0ne to those using Communistic propaganda.


Am I getting this right so far? Sure seems like it.


As far as your reply to me and trying to tie in the sentence about big name players and the IP addresses as if that somehow had anything to do with your initial reply is laughable. His two sentences are not tied together as if one depended on the other. They are two separate statements...the 1st talking about attacks to his site normally coming from a certain area of the world and the 2nd talking about how a fix did not occurred until after certain people were affected...which is an observation of fact.


Looking forward to your reply...but choose your words carefully.



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Um...isn't this really off-topic and more along the lines of a hostile battle that should, according to the rules, be carried on in a PM?


If not, please tell me. I have a history of missing this kind of thing.

If you are referring to the posts between me and Aiculik, they are directly about the original post and commentary about the original post. Not exactly off-topic but I don't see what other recent postings you may be referring to.


Nadin, although the original problem was hammered out very quickly, there have been repercussions for several days after (google blocks, browser caching, PC problems due to the virus, generalized fear about any pop-ups, etc.). It would be prudent to keep this thread open for a while.



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well long b4 Dark0ne kill the infected ad i dloaded a obmm b4 i even used anti-virus software about a week after i dloaded the obmm i desktop was hit so iard with a virus that the hard drive needed 2 be replaced now with my microsoft security essentials i'm very safe with it
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Here its now 10/7/10, When will this problem be fixed?

I do know one can disable the option in FF, but not everyone can so easily remember to reset it when moving about the net from your site. Its quite a PITA to say the least. SOoooooo TN, what is the latest "Google and FF" doing about this?


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Thanks, guys, for helping watch out for us. My anti-virus caught these and I had enough sense to know they were coming through the ads not your site. I just had no idea you could do anything ABOUT it. (Yeah, I'm a computer idiot sometimes. :P ) Glad you could and did.
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