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[Updated] Nexus Trojan/Virus alert


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There is only a slide problem now, i have installed noscript and add-block, but in order to download you still need to allow script or the download will fail. But allowing to use script will make this a problem again. Any failsafe to this ??? The last this i want is to have to format my drive again, like happened last time. And what has been done to prevent this in the future ??
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For anyone who is still unsure about whether the sites are clean or not here is a site that will analyze either a site (URL) or a specific file without you having to download it first. It checks sites using 7 different services - including Google, Firefox and Opera.


It's free to use also. http://www.virustotal.com/index.html

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I also recommend McAfee Site Advisor :) It will tell you, using colour coding, whether or not a site is safe to go on. The basic version is free and will work in Firefox and IE. Check the site if you use Chrome, Opera or any other browser--I can't remember if the plugin will work with those.
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Does anybody want to put together an article that explains how to setup your system to "sandbox" your web browser so that nothing that happens in the browser can affect your system or remain on your system?


In a sandbox, you can download files, view them, run javascript, auto-download trojans, viruses and whatever but nothing goes beyond the sandbox. Once the browser is closed, everything that happened is wiped out...so that file you downloaded (or was auto-downloaded by an infected site) cannot be transferred to your real live system.



Cute if possible, can you expand a bit where and what is needed to download application wise as a starter to do something like this? All I know is using VMware and having a virtual machine doing all the dirty deeds and just copy the files you trust to the main system for usage is the work-flow to keep safe. Since I have a separate Ubuntu (linux) PC I actually run all web sites and downloads through this comp and don't care much about virus, trojans and what ever, since mostly (close to 99.9%) they are constructed to harm a Microsoft Windows OS and get useless on a Linux OS.


I know about the "sandbox" schedule I was not aware you can run that natively on a Windows OS? Can you tell what is needed to do this? For sure this is a WANTED feature for anyone that is just using Microsoft Windows OS and try to keep things safe.

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For some reason I think you put this thread on a check for updates and just loved to link things that ease a Windows OS user to take control of things.. @bben46? :tongue: Well what ever, it needs some things to download and I as a "stupid" Linux user and having more than one PC to try things out on this... well, I'm not that inclined to install these apps. (That do not whatever mean that I think they are bad! I just have other more lazy ways to achieve the same goals on a different OS platform!) But for sure this is a nice gesture to guys that only use Windows as a major OS.
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those viruses are not a problem, they get taken out by the scanners most people have nowadays, its the adservers that are annoying because they tend to make the nexus unstable..

the site often does not respond cause the browser is hanging on one of the adservers...

but i geuss that will always be so cause the nexus needs the adserving money...such a shame..

Edited by Marcurios
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I use Mozilla firefox for browsing and after several days of peace, today I've noticed the same message asking if i want to install a program while visiting the site is back. further more ever since this whole trojan came about I have multiple occurrences of unknown pages loading up from IE. Worst still I try to remove the components of IE but one file refuses to to delete, saying it's in use, While the rest of the associated files leave the recycle bin and return to their original spot. Basically IE is now irremovable for me and is disrupting the every day use of my pc with the constant pages loading (even when offline). I use Trend Micro Pc-cillin and this program seems to find no issue.


EDIT by LHammonds: You should become familiar with these programs which will help clean your PC:

- MalwareBytes

- Spybot Search & Destroy

- SpywareBlaster

- SUPERAntiSpyware

- Windows Defender

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