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[Updated] Nexus Trojan/Virus alert


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Get a screenshot of the ad that's showing up when you get it.


You might also want to open the task manager (ctrl-alt-del to do so) and if a process called "andy128.exe" shows up, kill it. Run your antivirus. I also recommend downloading Combofix.

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Wow. Didn't see this kind of propaganda since communism collapsed in my country. Back then, anything bad that happened, was the fault of evil imperialists from Western Europe... And now you use the same (wrong) logic to accuse evil people from Eastern Europe and Asia for troyans on your site.... :o(
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I'm actually going to see which country has the largest percentage of hackers....


Apparently, The US sends about 20.6 million hacking attempts, with China second at 7.7, Brazil at 166 thousand, south Korea at 162 thousand, and Poland at 153 thousand. This information was gathered from just one form of antivirus software, so it may be stilted, but there it is.


Alright, you have a point. We just don't assume the US is going to attack the US.

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And now you use the same (wrong) logic to accuse evil people from Eastern Europe and Asia for troyans on your site.... :o(

"same logic"??? Hate to burst your bubble but when Dark0ne talks about general locations of attacks, he isn't talking about attacks in context of the entire world...he doesn't have the data on that...he is talking in context of "this site" and the attacks against it (which he knows the IP addresses because they are logged...and thus, the general location of the source based on IP demographics)

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LHammonds - are you sure you can read? Let's see:

"Such attacks have become natural on the internet and the fix is often reactive to an attack rather than preemptive. Indeed the patch to fix this issue was only released after several big name players in the internet community had been infected by the attack. It's simply wicked people, normally from Eastern Europe and Asia, preying on individuals who aren't up-to-date with their internet security."

That's what I reacted to. I know he can see IP addresses of attackers to his site. But I doubt he knows IP addresses of attackers of "big name players in the internet community" - and thus, such generalization is wrong logic.

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Thank you for the help I received here, Spyware search & destroy seems to have been the successful program in finding the trojan installer. I'll keep a lookout for the program if it tries to start again while on this site but I suspect the installer was on my pc and popping up randomly rather than a continuing problem with the site.
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wow, everybody is always fighting on this website and the moderators do not reply to emails....

it is a shame for such a nice website, this really makes it less good overall...


can't you all just stop the childish behaviour and stop blaming eachother and just enjoy the mods ?


everybody sent viruses, some more than others, no need to fight about it..



Edited by Marcurios
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