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Pure Entropic Essence


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I started this topic in "General Oblivion" but got no response. I think this forum might me more appropriate.


I recently completed all the Midas Magic quests, acquired all the books, and cooked every spell I thought was cool. I noticed that I had this one "Pure" form of essence left over.


Now normally the "Pure" forms of essences are used for summoning a super powerfulll being, or for a uber spell.


I haven't found any spell that uses "Pure Entropic Essence" and all my attempts to "make my own recipe" with this ingredient have failed. (tried using 1 gold nugget, 1 Pure Entropic Essence, 1 Eldrict Dust to get a summon Warlock spell. No luck :( )


Any help on this would be appreciated; even if all I get is that NO ONE has a use for it, that's fine too.


Thanks in advance.

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tried that. I put it in and selected "combine low" and "combine medium" on two different saves.


Each time it said no gems gleamed and the essence was gone when I opened assimilator.


Thanks for the suggestion though, Ub3rman123. I appreciate the input and Im kinda in agreement with your 1st statement that Xilver musta just left it out.


Well, I won't let this keep me from FINALLY completing Oblivion. That's right, with all these great mods I have been starting from scratch over and over again.


I think I'm gonna stay away from mods for awhile so I can actually focus on the game.



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Remind me what that is. Is it the weird cylindrical object you get after fighting the Balrog or finishing the Beholden Shrine that flies all over the place at the slightest touch? If so IIRC it's used to make the summoning spells for one or both of those creatures.
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Razakel, I haven't done the beholden quest yet, but I have done Balrog. The Prime Monolith is what your refering too in Balrog quest.



Prime Monolith makes Oblivion Portal Spell. Balrog horn makes Summon Balrog spell.


I think Pure Entropic is gained after defeating the "Daedroth" like creature from the "L A T E" world. The one that goes completely chamelion and tries to kill you after you open the largest dome on the center isle.



Hope that clears somethings up. Im gonna do Beholden now.



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