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Displaying multiple weapons on your PC


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Thanks, I'll just have to wait.

No worries brother. Did you want me to wait on the sniper and amr then?


Please do.




EDIT: Looked back at Post#183, and I thought you were talking about Weapon "Mods". What I thought as a Mod then, were Mods that are hosted here in nexus, not the modifications we had in-game. Lol. just letting you know. XD

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EDIT: Looked back at Post#183, and I thought you were talking about Weapon "Mods". What I thought as a Mod then, were Mods that are hosted here in nexus, not the modifications we had in-game. Lol. just letting you know. XD

No worries, mods and weapon mods can muddy the waters or at the very least don't lead the terms to crystal clarity.

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So...How is everything status wise. Are you still working on that shogo stuff???

No, I wouldn't start until I had a fairly good idea what you'd like;


I still like the idea of a sword on the character's back, but maybe you could place it on the right hip a little above the pistol instead not to sure.

Some aspects will be labor intensive and I don't want to burn time on something you don't want. So as I mentioned, give it some thought and let me know what you'd like. I think I'v covered several scenarios (on back, on hip by itself, on hip with katana etc) and how they would play out with the methods I use (implications), but if your unsure about any of the details feel free to ask. When you decide, I'll probably run through how the mod will work for you (as well as advantages and disadvantages) one last time, just to make sure we are on the same page.

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Ok great. initially all I want is for the weapon to show while its unequipped. For the rest I trust your judgment. I would really appreciate a personal small mod like the .45auto pistol that you made.

Well all the scenarios I laid out, show the weapon when it's unequipped, that's the essence of the mod.


You can browse the last page or two to review those scenarious or I can summarize them for you. The most important would be the location (back, left hip by itself, left hip with another weapon etc), that will be the biggest factor determining what I need to do in regard to scripting.

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