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Displaying multiple weapons on your PC


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I have two requests that would make me cum all over my panties. No, but seriously, I'd love to see milennia's RU-556 be implemented and lastly, the Pinpoint sniper rifle from the Underground Hideout New Vegas mod. I'd love you forever, let me know if you think you'd be interested in implementing that. Thanks for taking this idea under your belt regardless and good luck with future stuff. (:

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I'd love to see milennia's RU-556 be implemented and lastly, the Pinpoint sniper rifle from the Underground Hideout New Vegas mod.

One of the cardinal rules of nexus is that I can't use another authors assets without that authors permission. You can try and get permission though and contact me if your successful. If I can verify it, then I can probably fill your request.

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This looks like a great mod.


So from what I've understood you must manually set up each weapon? That sounds like lots of work, do you figure it would be possible to make a script to keep your last weapon holstered when switching to a new one? Like if you're using a 10mm pistol and switch to a Hunting Rifle, the pistol stays on your leg. Then when switching back to the pistol the rifle stays on your back?


This could of course cause some clipping when equipping things like Power Fists that are in hand when holstered, but that's no big issue.

Edited by koriandersES
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So from what I've understood you must manually set up each weapon? That sounds

I usually make two versions and you'll see that in most of my posts unless a member requests a specific version. The first allows the player to equip the item as per normal through the pipboy, while the 2nd version automatically equips it via script. However the version with a script is open to another mod overwriting the obj script on the weapon, so the 2nd generation beta will use a quest script.


That quest script equips multiple weapons based on what is currently occupying your NV hotkeys. This second gen will simply poll each of the 1st through 5th (excluding #2 for ammo) hotkey, detect what item the hotkey contains, display a dummy model in the appropriate location and then mark that hotkey as done until a change is registered. This means that if you have four sidearms then only one will display, but if you have at least 4 different animation type of weapons (say pistol, long rifle, knife and bumper sword) all 4 weapons will display simultaneously because their default locations in the base game are in different locations on the body. This script wouldn't be overwritten by another mod, but it's body slots could still be hijacked so the mod isn't impervious to the behavior of other mods.


3rd gen will have models with locations different from the standard animation type default location (for instance a pistol on the left hip or a knife in a boot), so it should be possible to display more weapons in general. If some decent array scripting can be set up (by someone more knowledgeable than I), I may also have multiple models hung off of a single body slot which should make it a little more resilient of a mod. But this third generation mod is much more labor intensive in regard to the number of nifs that needs to be created (same model for an item, but rigged to several different spots and in combination with other models).

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What's the status


Same, taking requests for weapons to be developed. I suppose I could bundle up the two dozen or so already done and publish it, but I'v been distracted by FO4. If you have a favorite(s) you'd like to see done, feel free to make a request.


I imagine at some point down the road (weeks or months) I'll have additional weapons and implement weapon display by hotkey.

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At the Moment my character uses either a Ballistic Fist(Which I have seen in pictures already, so I guess that's already a thing, a lever-action shotgun and a hunting shotgun. Any way I can have the Ballistic Fist always equipped, the Lever-action Shotgun on my right and the Hunting Shotgun on my left shoulder?

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At the Moment my character uses either a Ballistic Fist(Which I have seen in pictures already, so I guess that's already a thing, a lever-action shotgun and a hunting shotgun.

Yeah, I'v got that around somewhere (ballistic fist), I'll try to scrounge it up for you.


Any way I can have the Ballistic Fist always equipped, the Lever-action Shotgun on my right and the Hunting Shotgun on my left shoulder?

OK so here is what I would suggest. I would have your currently equipped weapon (for a long rifle) in it's traditional spot (butt behind right shoulder IIRC) whether that is the lever action or hunting shotgun, with the unequipped defaulting to teh left shoulder. That way the animation for drawing teh weapon will line up correctly with the equipped item.


If your OK with that let me know and I'll see if I can put it together for you. Right now I have a baby backpack and a AMR re-texture I need to finish up first, but both could be done pretty quickly if I get a bit of free time.

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