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Displaying multiple weapons on your PC


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[Failed] Ok I give in, how about one vanilla katana on the back?

It's no problem to rig the model (katana) anywhere, but I just want to clarify a few points.


When not equipped the katana is shown slug across the back (did you want it from left shoulder to right hip, like the bumper sword?), and when equipped and still sheathed it's instantly changed to it's normal position on the hip (where it's normal drawing/unsheathing animation applies), if drawn the sheath will be in it's normal position on the hip. That's consistent with what I'm doing here in the first revision of the mod.


A later revision of the mod will allow drawing from positions that aren't typical of the weapon type (guaranteeing that the player can have 4 visible weapons on his/her person, with little effort), through some scripting masquerading.

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Then if I may, I want to request Katana x AMR, and Katana x Sniper Rifle.

Here is the katana (left hip, automatically equipped via script). Untested in game, but should be fine. It's a esp/bsa combo, so just unrar both files into your data directory and select in your launcher of choice. You will probably need to equip and unequip the katana once, then it will do it's thing automatically. Rigged for light armor/clothing. Set up for base katana. If you have weapon mods, new models (and script) will need to be made, but luckily the newer editions of NVSE have some hooks to check for weapon mods.


Let me know if you have any problems.


[Failed] Ok I give in, how about one vanilla katana on the back?


Let me know if you want the katana slung from left shoulder to right hip like the bumper sword, or from right shoulder to left hip like most rifles. Keep in mind that if you have a weapon usually equipped in that spot, when sheathed/holstered it will clip/conflict with the katana. So chose a spot that isn't normally occupied by your weapons of choice.


Let me know and I'll get started on your request.

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[success] I got permission today:)))))


How about a Tesla wakizashi across the charaecters back left side ??? Thanks for the katana works great!!!


I'll have to verify permission (I'll send a PM right now), but yeah, I can do a Tesla weapon. It involves a different method, but it's the same on the user end.


BTW why a wakizashi on back, isn't that the equivalent of the short sword. I'm surprised you wouldn't want a Odachi/Nodachi or at least a katana. A Nodachi would also line up with the two handed weapon animation type that is holstered behind the left shoulder (just like a bumper sword).

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I guess I just like the way the handle looks on the wakizashi plus shogo's model of the katana and wakizashi look very similar to each other. As for the holstered position it in the same spot as the default katana. Do you use shogo ind. mod???

Edited by OrionSigma
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As for the holstered position it in the same spot as the default katana.

I can rig it anywhere, but when it's equipped (but sheathed) it will go to it's default location, which I'd assume was left hip (unlikely a wakizashi could be anything other than a one handed melee weapon). So it makes the most sense to rig it to the left hip.


But there are a couple of ways around that. If you never really use the wakizashi and your just looking at it more for decoration, you can pretty much put it anywhere. For instance you could wear it in the traditional samurai manner of both swords (wakizashi and katana) worn on the left hip (Daisho), pic;








That would work out pretty well since the katana is already done (and assuming you don't actively use the wakizashi, but rather use the katana primarily for your slicing and dicing action).


If however you do use it (wakizashi) for combat rigging it to another location than the left hip means the drawing animation won't line up. For instance if it's on your back, you'll still draw it from the left hip. A possible solution is the method I mentioned in the previous post (a weapon type masquerading as another weapon type, then reverting once equipped). That would allow you to use any of the 4 standard locations and the animations for drawing them would line up (roughly). But it would take NVSE and I'd take longer as I would have to do a new/different script.



Do you use shogo ind. mod???

I don't (apocalyptic cowboy), but I'm a big fan of BrotherShogo's work.

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I see...I'm sure the scripting for both of the to be holstered on the same side would be technical. I have NVSE 5.0 beta, it works pretty well for the jip companion mod and other heavily scripted mods I have installed. The drawing animation isn't really something I pay too much attention to, been using that .45 auto pistol mod you made. I'm just really sick of a firefight turning into a brawl in no time flat with me still shooting from close range all the time. I also like using the tesla wakizashi because it has the alien blaster critical effect that turn people to ash, no other vanilla melee weapons can do that as far as I know.

Edited by OrionSigma
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First of all, thank you for taking my request.

Okay, here are the problems I saw:


1. When moving/walking, the Katana also sways with the character instead of being kept in place like the Sheath. What I'm trying to say is, I have the Katana with the 3 Weapon Mods. Authentic Blade, Balanced Grip, and the Protective Sheath. The Sheath is kept in place but the Katana moves with the Player. Those Weapon Mods are added by Gun Runners Arsenal DLC.

2. The Katana in this mod you sent uses the Base Texture. In the Base Game w/ all DLCs when modified with the Authentic Blade, the Hilt/Grip becomes color Black, the crossguard is color Silver. When modified with the Balanced Grip, the hilt becomes color Red, the crossguard is color Gold. If the Authentic Blade + Balanced Grip is used, the Grip is Color Red, crossguard is clor Silver. When modified with the Protective Sheath, a Sheath will be added to the left hip if the weapon is equipped. The color of the grip depends on the modification(Authentic Blade, Balanced Grip) of the weapon.

*if you're gonna fix this, please use the Katana Texture for Authentic Blade+Balanced Grip. I think it might be hard to do a mod which also changes texture depending on the modifications of the Katana.

3. When equipping the Katana, the Sniper/AMR are not shown in the character's back. There is no problem when equipping the Sniper/AMR, the Katana is showing just fine. The only problems on the Katana are Problem #1 and #2





I think that covers all of the things I found.

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1. When moving/walking, the Katana also sways with the character instead of being kept in place like the Sheath......The Sheath is kept in place but the Katana moves with the Player.

Yep, this one is made for the base katana (ie no sheath), however it can be rigged to a different bone and envelope to approximate the movement of the sheath.


Those Weapon Mods are added by Gun Runners Arsenal DLC.

Not only the weapon mods, but also the katana itself is a GRA exclusive.



2. The Katana in this mod you sent uses the Base Texture. In the Base Game w/ all DLCs when modified with the........

Yep, remember the post above (msg #183), where I stated;


Set up for base katana. If you have weapon mods, new models (and script) will need to be made, but luckily the newer editions of NVSE have some hooks to check for weapon mods.


*if you're gonna fix this, please use the Katana Texture for Authentic Blade+Balanced Grip. I think it might be hard to do a mod which also changes texture depending on the modifications of the Katana.



*if you're gonna fix this, please use the Katana Texture for Authentic Blade+Balanced Grip. I think it might be hard to do a mod which also changes texture depending on the modifications of the Katana.

At the moment I'm just doing base weapons, but weapon mods are planned for a future revision. I may dive into working on a modded ver of the katana (NVSE picking up the mods, or the specific variant you mention above) depending on time and inclination.


3. When equipping the Katana, the Sniper/AMR are not shown in the character's back. There is no problem when equipping the Sniper/AMR, the Katana is showing just fine. The only problems on the Katana are Problem #1 and #2

I wouldn't think so, since I haven't done the Sniper or AMR. If they were showing up that would be some strange juju. They are on the to do list.

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I see...I'm sure the scripting for both of the to be holstered on the same side would be technical.

No extra scripting, since it's roughly (close to teh same center, just a more horizonal angle) in the normal spot the weapon is drawn from ( I would think it's a left hip side weapon). The extra scripting would come about if you were using a weapon and you wanted it drawn from a location that wasn't appropriate for it's weapon type. For example, a onehanded melee weapon drawn from the back.


The disadvantage (from having both swords on the left hip) is that when the wakizashi is equipped but not drawn it will be clipping and in the same orientation as the katana, assuming that's it's normal orientation for the weapon. I haven't used Brothershogo's mod, but I assume it hangs just like the katana.


When it's not equipped, (katana is equipped or any other weapon is equipped) it will be in the position as depicted by the pic in my post. Although I can't say for sure how it will look without the obi (sash). And I'm also assuming that Brothershogo's weapons don't have sheaths.


There is one other way that I'v been pondering for a while, that would remove the disadvantage listed above. It would essentially change the alpha to zero (essentially making the weapon invisible) on the wakizashi when equipped and then displaying the dummy model (the wakizashi at the more horizontal angel) to be displayed. I'v pitched the concept in other requests but I'v never actually done it, so I don't know if it's technically possible. There is no equivalent of the SetActorAlpha function for a weapon, so a playgroup triggering a alpha node on the weapon nif would be required and that's not something I have first hand knowledge with. It's probably also complicated by the fact that Brothershogo's weapons aren't your plain jane nifs either.


I have NVSE 5.0 beta, it works pretty well for the jip companion mod and other heavily scripted mods I have installed.

No worries there, it's a newer function but it's been in several revisions of NVSE.


The drawing animation isn't really something I pay too much attention to, been using that .45 auto pistol mod you made.

I understand, but there is a issue of quality control. I do personal requests that may only be used by a single person, however for this mod I'm keeping an eye toward a larger audience that can take advantage of it. So long story short it's important for the drawing animations to line up with right area of the body the weapon is sheathed or holstered at.

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