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Water Model issues emerged


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Something happened, while I was testing out a mod. (Can't even remember the name of the mod)

When I was running through the beginning of the quest, I went to the interior of the ship, and everything went to black. Nothing worked, door did not work, etc. I COC'ed myself to one of my mods town, (It was in there as well) and that was when I noticed my water model.....it was blue, and flashes every second. I closed the game out immediately, and destroyed the mod that gave me the issues.


This did not help my water pieces in any fashion.


In the CS, they appear fine and normal. When in game, they flash blue. Does not matter if it is stationary or flowing water models either.


Well, last night I removed Morrowind all together, and re-installed it. I put in only the mods I play, and thought that was that. I discovered this morning, while running through TR, that their water models do the same thing as well.


Is this what is called a "dirty mod" issue? How do I get the water models to revert themselves back to normal?

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I've never heard of that problem before. It's not a "dirty mod" issue. Are you using anything like MGE or MGE XE? What kind of graphics card are you using? Does it support the right level of Pixel Shaders for MGE / MGE XE or even Morrowind's pixel shader-driven water?
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Believe it or not, I am not sure. This was a rebuilt Computer from a close friend of mine. Has always done water properly, until this issue with the other mod. I think that was what made it so...shocking I guess, and made me think I had corrupted my own (And TR apparently as well) mod.

I am going to remove and re-add the models, and see if this has some effect.

I am not sure why I did not add some screenshots but here they are now. Sorry for the size....but the upload requirement is way too small.


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Use JPG, you can drop the quality down but maintain resolution


Maybe you've got a replacer for static meshes installed. Matilja (I think) made one and it required (I think) that Morrowind Code Patch was installed. It's hard to tell from the diddy screens but those look like water meshes rather than the sea. I take it the sea looks OK?



[Edit: I take it this thread over on TR is you too?]

Edited by Dragon32
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Oh yeah, all "vanilla Water" is fine. Nothing wrong in or out of water. I do have the code patch, simply because I needed the map extender :D.


All I know was all water models were fine, until that mod I was checking out went into freak out mode. Getting kind of used to it now lol. It would actually be really cool if it did not have the flash every second :D.


Yes it is me on TR. I thought I should speak up since it is effecting their mod as well. Something I know did not used to happen prior. I am not sure the answer was correct (replacing the mesh with new ones) But maybe they know something about their water meshes, that I don't. I have another spot to grab them from, as the permission was given almost two years ago by "BHL" I think. (ROHT (Epic mod)) So I might just try changing them out.

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This is what I was thinking of: Dongles Waterpack Bumpmapped by Matilija.


I think the TR guys took Dongle's meshes,renamed them and stuck them in their BSA. If you only get the flashing water in TR then it's probably their problem. If it's elsewhere then it's unlikely to be the TR versions as other modders are more likely to use their own naming convention.


Have a look in your Data Files\Meshes for any which match Matilija's and/or those prefixed DGL_ as that's what Dongle always seems to use for his stuff.

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