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There Once was a Husband and a Wife


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Sorry this Poem of the Day is a day late. My Internet kinda screwed up and just now decided to work again so I can post this.



There once was a man and a wife,

In love and happily content.

Their life was completely devoid of strife,

Until, that is, a message was sent.


One monotonous night alone the wife did spend,

As her hubby worked hard for the day’s bread.

When the mail came her heart did rend,

For this is what a letter to her hubby said:


“I wish that you could see me more,

I long for your lingering touch.

But so long as you live with that prostitute, --(Nexus Censorship.)

I can’t see us together for very much.”


If only she had read the cover,

To realize the address was not theirs.

But this she did not discover,

And realized not the carrier’s errors.


She had but four hours of time,

Before the husband returned.

When an idea in her head did chime,

To make him pay for what she had learned.


She prepared a dinner so fine,

When their child of three did join.

She’d say her rehearsed line,

For what she bought with today’s coin.


“You know I love you my dear,

Oh father of our wonderful child.

So hate me not and have no fear,

As we’ll all live together in heaven’s wild.”


As he sipped his wine just a little more,

And gave his beauty a look of confusion,

She went on to explain the day so poor,

And how she had decided to serve the poison.


Before he could ask what she meant,

Before he could realize why,

The baby that their love had sent,

Began to lose breath, and slowly die.


A tear did drop from his love’s eye,

As she said it was all going to be right.

She too began to slowly die,

And he was starting to lose sight.


One day and a half had tarried on,

When he awoke in pain and started to cry.

He looked to see his family gone.

And tried to remember, to understand why.


What she had done he knew not,

How he had lived was a wonder.

He just looked at the bodies soon to rot,

And decided his own life he would sunder.


There once was a man and a wife,

In love and happily content.

Their afterlife was completely devoid of strife,

After, that is, across his wrist the knife went.



Kudos if you like it!


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


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Sad and ironic. :thumbsup:


Well written. :thumbsup:


A little dark as you seem to like it. :thumbsup:


Keep on writing, Graham, alias Maharg67, lol. :thumbsup:

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Really? I thought that since I am quite ill with a persistent migraine caused by the illness (I've maintained 102 degrees F, 38.8 C, temperature) that it might come out... botchy... and I wouldn't really be able to tell till after I'm well again. Good to know that I can still get four thumbs up smiley faces even sick! :D Thank you for the comment!


Be well, (I'm not.) sleep well, (I don't) fight well, (Hope to not find out.) live long. (I doubt I will :D )



PS: Oh woah is me..... Jk. This is just probably going to be a week of annoyance, I'm fine, just annoyed by whatever I have.

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