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FOSE causing Random CTD


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So, after extenuous testing, Ive come to realize that FOSE is causing my Random CTDs.


Currently, I am running on an 18 hour old WinXP partition with only drivers, Chrome, and Fallout 3 installed on it.

More correctly, FOMM, FO3 + all DLCs, FOSE and my budding new collection of mods that I know and love, and new ones ive found along the way.


I installed my mods one by one, testing throughoutly before installing the next, and it wasnt until I installed FOSE to be able to install Pipboy Readius and FWE that I started getting random CTDs. Removing both Readius and FWE didnt solve the issue... I was stumped, until a friend of mine reminded me about installing FOSE.

I move the FOSE DLLs into a new folder, and voila, stable.


So, the reason I have come to you fine folks is not to complain, but to seek assistance, and I do this in a twofold manner. First, I wish to find out WHY FOSE is crashing my game, and hopefully fix it, because MANY fun mods require FOSE to function, including FWE, which I think is nearly mandatory to play FO3 with. And second, should the first manner fail to come to fruition, what mods does the community recommend that are non-FOSE required?



For troubleshooting, I am currently loading my stable mod list, listing the FOSE mods I would like to run, and general system specs.

Stable Non-FOSE load:

[X] Fallout3.esm

[X] Anchorage.esm

[X] ThePitt.esm

[X] BrokenSteel.esm

[X] PointLookout.esm

[X] Zeta.esm

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esm

[X] FACE3.esm

[X] FACE3 - NPCS.esp

[X] FACE3 - DLC04 Point Lookout.esp

[X] FACE3 NPCS - DLC03 Broken Steel.esp

[X] LingsFinerThings.esm

[X] DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm

[X] DarNifiedUIF3.esp

[X] LingsFinerThings.esp

[ ] Overhead3PCamera.esp

[X] TheInstitute.esm

[X] APSLite.esp

[X] MedicBKPK.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack - Vendor Script Replenish.esp

[X] BlackWolf Backpack - Blank's Container Patch.esp

[X] Fellout-Full.esp

[X] Fellout-Anchorage.esp

[X] Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp

[X] Fellout-PointLookout.esp

[X] bzArmour.esp

[X] Greenerworld.esp

[ ] HiVE.esp

[X] Fellout-Zeta.esp

[X] Sydney Follower.esp

[X] Sydney Follower - Load Order Fix.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Anchorage.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC The Pitt.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Broken Steel.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Zeta.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - No Corpse Flies.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - No Ghoul Raise.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp

[ ] Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Tougher Traders.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp

[X] CP - FACE3 NPCS [MMM].esp

[X] CP - FACE3 [MMM] Racefix.esp



FOSE mods I want to run:


HiVE: Advanced Compound

Animated Prostitution

Pipboy Readius

Book of Earache



Basic System Specs:

WinXP Pro SP3

Intel Core2 Duo E8500 @ 3.16 GHz

Asus P5QL-E Mainboard

3.25 GB RAM

NVidia GeForce 280 GTX graphics card

further specs on request.

All drivers are current as of yesterday.


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Your MMM is fine. Just remove these since they are controlled through the MMM in-game menu now:


[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - No Corpse Flies.esp

[X] Mart's Mutant Mod - No Ghoul Raise.esp


Check to see if these are new patches for MMMRC6. If they're for version 5, I would toss them:


[X] CP - FACE3 NPCS [MMM].esp

[X] CP - FACE3 [MMM] Racefix.esp


Move these to the top of your load order in-between Zeta.esm and Mart's Mutant Mod.esm. Esm's should always load before esps:


[X] LingsFinerThings.esm

[X] DCInteriors_ComboEdition.esm

[X] TheInstitute.esm


Load this one last as per the author's Readme:


[X] Sydney Follower - Load Order Fix.esp


As for your issue with FOSE, what version of FOSE have you tried to install and what kind of random crashing are you having? Is it crashing once an hour or two, every two minutes, when you fast-travel, etc?

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Thank you for the load order edit. The FACE 3 - MMM CPs are for RC6 of MMM. Oops, I forgot to move the Sydney fix to the bottom again. Stupid autosort utility.


Im trying the latest version of FOSE, 1.2 beta 2. As for the crashing, its random. Between 2 minutes and 2 hours, generally falling between the 10 and 15 minute area. Indoors and outdoors, doesnt matter. Doesnt matter if I am in menu, or in conversation.

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Once every hour or two is to be expected when you cram mods in there the way we do but you shouldn't be crashing every few minutes, especially not with your short load order. Does it still crash like crazy after adding FOSE in if you play from an old save (a few hours back) or start a new game?


You could try the newest version of FOSE which hasn't been publicly released on the FOSE site yet. I upgraded to it with my newest game and have had only a handful of crashes in 52 hours. There's a link to the new FOSE on the Feng Shui page.

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I get the crashes at the same general time intervals with a fresh install of FO3 and FOSE, and on new saves and old saves. Usually it lets me get just outside the vault then drops me. I'll try the verson you mention, and give that a whirl.
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