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Tidal mod


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What the description says basically, just wondering if it is possible in Oblivion to make the tide rise and fall with time of day and cycles of the moons?

I just thought about this this morning, the water height in rivers and coastal areas is always the same, but IRL the level rises and falls during the day, with the max and min levels and the timing of high and low tides being determinded by the moon and the changing seasons.

I guess that even if it were possible to have the water height adjustable according to time, it would work best on games where timescale was set to 1, or close to 1, otherwise you'd see it rising and falling very quickly over the course of a day whereas in real life you don't really notice it going in and out because it's quite slow.

Also you'd need a way to make sure that every object that floats on the surface of the water (from ships to lily pads) can also move up and down with the tide. Ships with gangplanks would need to have them adjusted so that they aren't embedded in the dock at low tide, or floating in midair at high tide.


Surely with all the tools we have available now such as OBSE, there must be a way to do this?



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From what I understand it is possible but no-one in their right mind will do this. To make this you'd have to go to every coastal cell with water in it and make the water level rise or fall depending on the time. Then you'd need to move every mesh in the water and....It's just hugely time expensive for a very small effect.
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I'm not even sure there is a function to change the water level.. But you might be able to make a custom OBSE function, as water level is defined in the CS in each cell.


But think of the poor slaughterfish that don't know what a tide is! They'd all be dead on the beach.

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