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Better Bodies Issue


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I recently re-installed Morrowind and decided to use the Better Bodies 2.2 mod. Problem is I get an error that says


Model Load Error: Meshes\WARNwHr\Dz\5\WAR_zDE_fHr5a.nif cannot load file in Meshes\WARNwHr\Dz\5\WAR_zDE_fHr5a.nif.

Will use the default object Marker_Error.NIF.


I searched high and low for these files and can -not- find them anywhere. I'm running 32 bit Vista as well. I figured perhaps I could try an older version of the mod but the site for it seems to have a malware issue. The issue happens right when the boat area loads on my new game and I get a CTD with those errors. I also updated the BSA archive and use Wyre if it matters.

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The WAR prefix indicates that it's a mod by Westly. He usually makes races. Have you installed any races?

Or you could look through this list and see if anything looks familiar.

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Looking at that list you provided, Azir, I can't see anything on there that I have used. I did, however, download the facepack from there and everything seems to be working fine now. :) (It also seems to not conflict with THE Facepack, which I find interesting.)


Thanks for your guys help! I can't wait to restart Morrowind again!

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