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Craft late-game Iron\Steel Armors (with better stats)?


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Hi, I would like if someone could make or recommend me a mod that does this:


in game, there are different tier and quality stats of vanilla armors. Not a replacer, I would still like to have basic and vanilla armors of regular stats, but for example, you can craft (or find) Steel Plate Armor set with higher stats, let's say equal to Dragon Armor quality.

I really like the look of Iron\Steel\Steel Plate armor, but as the game progresses they become less useful once enemies start spawning with higher tier weapons and armor (like Dragon\Daedric).

I am pretty sure mod like this existed, but I can't find it under search anymore. That mod added exactly what I described, you could craft lower tier armors with high tier stats (there was no change for required material, if it was Ebony Stats, it required Ebony Ingot, Basically you were making Ebony Armor that just happens to look like Iron Armor and so on). Crafting menu getting crowded is not a big problem, since I am using Crafting Overhaul mod, so I can easily filter it.

if it's a huge work, I am ok with mod that only gives me those three armors with highest tier (let's say either Dragon or Daedric).

if it's not too complicated and I could probably do it myself, if someone recommends me a good tutorial or tells me how to do it.

Light Armors are really not needed, because outside of Leather Armor I really don't like looks of any other vanilla armor (with exception of faction related armors) and for vanilla armors there's always good looking\stats Nightingale Armor. Dunno I always thought my characters in Glass Armor looks like Christmas Tree.


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Thanks, I will check it out, but it doesn't look like it does what I want. As I said, I don't want to make changes to already existing armors in the game, just add those few with better stats.

But I will definitively try this one out, maybe I can find good modded Iron and Steel armor, then use this mod to boost their stats. That way I can have both vanilla version and new improved in the game.


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