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Old Zeldas


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It is REALLY hard to pick a best Zelda game. I would be included to choose either the original Zelda on the NES simply because of it's ground breaking, innovation and music.


Or the SNES Link to the Past is probably one of the greatest games of all time.


The old gameboy one is also very good.


But I also like Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask quite a bit, though I do have critique of those, but very solid games


I'm not clued into the latest ones in the series. Wind Waker was only on Gamecube, and at that point I was on playstations... Very close to having the GBA Zelda, as I did have GBA at one point. It seemed easy to miss a lot of Zelda/nintendo in recent years since Gamecude and Wii weren't very interesting platforms for me. :(


ANYWAY....IMO Every Zelda fan needs to watch this series. http://www.gametrailers.com/video/zelda-retrospective-the-legend/14063

Edited by Ghogiel
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Seeing as the N64 came out around the perfect time for me as a kid, I played OoT a fair bit. I never did get very far, though - I only started getting good at video games as a teenager, for some reason, despite the fact that I started playing video games when I was 2...I also tried Majora's Mask but did terribly at it. Redeads need to stay dead, gah.


Also, this video is relevant (contains minor language):

Edited by rinoaff33
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  • 3 months later...
Personally I'm totally nervous at how much more cartoonish Skyward Sword looks than Twilight Princess did. Twilight Princess was a pleasant diversion for a grown-up Zelda obsessor: LoZOoT was perhaps the most enthralling thing for me when I was younger outside of sex, hahaha. I can play that game in my sleep-and wake up happy!! I'm playing Master Quest, finally, and it's SO awesome. Really, it's hard to get close enough even to touch my love for this game. I have an N64 collection-every color but watermelon-and I have four copies of Ocarina, one a gold. I lend it out when friends never played it, along with a console so they have no excuse. xD
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Who here still plays some of the old Zelda games? Or at least is still a big fan of them. :D


I love the whole Zelda series, A Link to the Past is my favorite and I'm still playing it every now and then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am currently playing Link's Awakeing on the GBA and Adventures of Link on an Emu.


My favorite will always be Link to the past, though Ocarina of Time and 1st and 2nd zelda are also pretty awesome.

I never tried a Zelda after Ocarina of Time. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
I feel you. I grew up on Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, obviously not as old school as the ones in the original post, but they definitely hold a special place in my dork heart. I could sit down and start up a game and sit and play for hours still, even though I know exactly what to do.
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