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A Beginner's Question about OBSE


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I am very new to modding and have just downloaded OBSE so I can run the Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2. After many hours of youtube videos, reading instructions on this site and troubleshooting I got everything installed.


The only problem is that when I try to open the start-up menu (the one that comes up in the vanilla game after clicking the oblivion launcher and allows you to access the Data Files to enable the mods) with the obse loader, it never comes up, it just launches straight into the game.


I've read that for the OBSE to work, you have to launch Oblivion with the obse loader, not the vanilla Oblivion launcher. But when I try to launch Oblivion with the obse loader, as I mentioned earlier, the menu never comes up that allows me to access the Data Files.


This might be a newbie question, but how can I access the Data Files while using mods that require OBSE?



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I used to use the vanilla launcher to access Data Files for activating/deactivating mods and then the OBSE launcher for playing the game (I've since moved on to Wrye Bash and use it for activating/deactivating mods).


You can either create two desktop shortcuts, one starting the vanilla launcher via OblivionLauncher.exe and one starting the game via obse_loader.exe or just have the single desktop shortcut that uses obse_loader.exe and then from your Windows Start button launch the vanilla launcher. The key thing to remember is you can't start the vanilla game launcher to access Data Files and then click Play. I used the Windows Start button system myself because of the extra steps it took to get to the vanilla launcher, making it less likely I'd have a brain cramp and try to start the game from the Data Files launcher.


This two step shuffle is the only way around the situation without using a mod manager. Nexus Mod Manager has issues with a lot of Oblivion mods so it's not recommended (by me at least). Oblivion Mod Manager will work and Wrye Bash is the best way (it can do a lot more than OBMM).


Myself, I still don't launch the game from any mod manager ... I make my changes, exit WB and then launch the game from my OBSE desktop shortcut.

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Thanks for the fast responses.


The problem I'm encountering is I have OBMM installed and my mods installed in OBMM and they all seem to be activated and working with blue boxes next to them. But when I launch Oblivion (using the obse loader) the game works fine, but the mods have not come into effect and nothing has changed in game.


While I was trying to troubleshoot this problem I watched a youtube video that said that I should also activate the files in the Data Files in addition to activating them on OBMM, which is what brought up my original question.


Another thing that disturbs me is when I open Data Files using the vanilla launcher none of the mods are there. At first I assumed this was because the vanilla launcher didn't recognize mods that use OBSE, but from what you told me it sounds like I should be able to see them there.


I know it's probably pretty hard to discern the whole picture just from the mess of information I am providing here, but does anybody have any possible solutions to this?

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Not all mods have an ESP, so not all mods will appear in the vanilla Data Files. Your game must be up to date or mods will be silently ignored ... version 1.2.0416 will display in the lower left of the game main menu if it is the latest version.


Use OBSE Tester to confirm that OBSE is working. Download it to a temporary folder, extract the download to the same folder with 7-Zip. You'll see a folder named OBSE Test and inside a file named OBSE Test Plugin.esp (if you don't see the .esp extension don't worry ... you just have "Hide extension for known file types" selected in your Windows Explorer options). Right mouse click on OBSE Test Plugin.esp and select Copy from the right click menu. Now navigate to your game's Oblivion\Data folder, right click on Data and select Paste from the right click menu. Open the vanilla game launcher and in Data Files put a tick beside OBSE Test Plugin.esp to activate it. Start the game and load a save or new game ... OBSE Tester will report your version of OBSE if it is installed correctly, if not you have a problem with your OBSE install.

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All of the mods I have right now are centered around the Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 and the mods required to run it.


My mods are:


-Oblivion Mod Manager


-Roberts Male Body replacement texture compatibility addon

-Roberts Female Body replacement texture compatibility addon


-Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2

-HGEC texture compatibility addon

-OBSE Tester


I think the links to almost all of these can be found on the Oblivion Character Overhaul version 2 page.

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OK ... the only mod there that will have an ESP to show in Data Files or the left hand pane of OBMM's window is Oblivion Character Overhaul v2.


You can't use both HGEC and Roberts female at the same time ... you'll need to pick one. HGEC has by far more available in terms of armor and clothes. A lot will depend on your own taste for body shape and whether or not you plan on playing a female character (all but the replacer kind of HGEC armor/clothes mods aren't distributed to the game's NPCs).


Install order is important ... first OBSE, then Blockhead, then HGEC and Roberts male (or Roberts male and Roberts female if that's how you decide to go ... and here I'm talking about the full mods not just the compatibility patches from OCO v2), then OCO v2 and finally the compatibility patches for HGEC/Roberts male/Roberts female as applicable.

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Ok, I uninstalled all of the mods and reinstalled them in the proper order. This time I didn't install the body replacement mods and compatibility addons for them, which I have decided not to install at this point.


First I installed OBSE, then Blockhead, and when finally I began to create the omod for Oblivion Character Overhaul I got this message:


"Warning - this folder contains esp files in sub directories.

It is possible that this mod has been packed in a non standard way, or that it contains multiple versions.

You may have to attach a script to this omod to tell obmm what to do with any optional esps.

If you do not know how to script, copy the mod to a new folder and set it up as you'd like, and then use 'Add folder'

Do you wish to continue?"


Could this possibly be the reason for my problems?

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