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Quick havok rigging


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For a mod I'm working on I need a few item's havok behavior changed if someone has the time to have a play around. The linked rar contains the meshes for Burke's detonator (briefcasedetonator02), the Ink container (ms10jar02) and a few hospital tools (surgicalforceps01, surgicalscalpel01, surgicalscissors01) as well as textures for the first two (included for the sake of it, shouldn't be needed). As you can see, nothing fancy.


What I was after is a nif for the detonator which has a dynamic havok setup, ie, it can be grabbed and moved around. There's an animation the case can play, I'm not too sure if this is relevant, but the animation can be removed if it's part of the nif file, I'm only after a mesh which will allow the player to move the closed suitcase.


For the ink pot, I need the havok set up so it is a static object, ie, unable to be grabbed.


For the hospital tools, I'm after them being set up with a static havok, however in addition, I'd appreciate it if the meshes could be merged, so there's just one "square" mesh which has the tools laid out in some random fashion.


I've tried to learn blender, so I'm not completely clueless, that said my skills are lacking at best. If it is just a simple "press this button-click here" tweak, then info as to how I'd do it myself would be appreciated.



If anyone is able to get these set up for me... iou1



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you can probably change the havok in nifskope with out any problems. just open a static nif, look at the rigidbody block details, and match your nifs rigid body up to that.


you only run into issues when you have to change the collision type, ie convexverticeshape into a Mopp or vice versa. then you would just import and export it making the appropriate changes to the collision. I would then paste that nif collision block back into the unaltered nif, saving me any hassle with proper nif set up

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Nadin: For the last two, I was looking to turn them into stationary activators, ie, "unable to be grabbed", unable to be added to inventory etc. If only it was as simple as just setting them up as movable-statics...


Ghogiel: Cheers, I think I get the steps you're saying, but for lack of nifskope to poke around (at this current moment), would it be possible to dumb it down a bit further? I'm only looking to use them as stationary activators, which will only be slightly jutting out from a larger stationary activator (enough to look "contained" inside the larger, but still activate-able), so collisions shouldn't matter, as the larger static is effectively the collision border for the group (The "larger" object being a (retex'ed) clone of the unaltered Burke's detonator activator).


Cheers to both for the replies.


EDIT: Ok, just got nifskope installed I had a play around: God bless the TES construction set wiki... Finessing Physics. Worked a charm. It crash the game though when I started playing around with moving it and playing animations, but they can be deleted easy enough. Cheers again Ghogiel, that info was just what I needed.

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Ok....then for the first two, set them up as just plain static. Same process.


The collision is the same for all types. There are mods that have turned cars into activators, cars into items that can be picked up, or made them immobile. It's not the model you need to change, it

s how the game reads it.

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Yeah, but if you take a static mesh, ie, Burke's detonator and set it up as say a clutter object, It won't have any physics attached, so it isn't moveable, in the same way a wall isn't moveable, although it can be added/dropped to/from an inventory. The opposite happens for dynamic meshes, attach them to static objects and they're still moveable, you just can't pick them up. From what I've seen their object type in the GECK only determines how the characters interact with them, not how the actual objects behave. An item's havok behaviour in the game, as I just found out, is a property of the nif, not GECK settings.


At any rate, changing the object's havok properties in Nifskope works perfectly when they're fed back into the GECK as the relevant objects, so problem solvered.

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Ok, bumping this one back up to save starting a new topic. It's not long dead anyway:


Related to the original issue: I'm trying to get the briefcase from Power of the Atom (Burke's detonator) to beable to switch between static and dynamic (ie, able to be moved/picked up). I believe I've solved all the havok problems for the dynamic case, however I'm having a problem in that switching the cases results in the static case being placed in the wrong position, whereas the switch back to dynamic works perfectly. The following is just a copy and paste from the readme file I've placed in the attached rar. It described the problem in a more detailed way.


If anyone is able to have a look at this and help troubleshoot it, I'd appreciate it:




Item code for the object of interest is xx000ea6 (have to add it manually) Object is called "Book Restoration Kit" and is a mics item.


To use it, drop it from the PC's inventory and activate it. It should replace itself with a static variant. Activating the static variant will result in it being replaced with the dynamic variant and so on.


The problem is that when the dynamic object is activated, it is destroyed as it should be, however the static object is spawned at the same position every time, ie, the position the dynamic object was first spawned in the game world (dropped from the PC's inventory). When the static object is activated, it spawns the dynamic object in the correct position and destroys itself, just as it should.


I'm not entirely sure if the results were accurate, but a brief test I did before, where the dynamic object would report it's position, had it reporting the same position no matter where it was. The reported position was, you guessed it, the position the static activator was spawned in.


This leads me to believe that there is a problem with the game's tracking of the dynamic mesh's movements but I'm clueless as to exactly what is causing it and how to fix it.


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